
Viktor is a Castlevania Inspired Action Title Coming to Steam

Carl Williams writes, "Castlevania is getting around when it comes to inspiration for games (see ***). This time, Castlevania is the inspiration for a more straightforward homage called Viktor from Shorebound Studios. Viktor is coming to Steam so get ready 2D side scrolling action gamers, here is another title that may be worth your time."

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Hands-On With Anthropomorphic Steampunk Adventure Viktor - Cliqist

Serena Nelson writes: "The common people will stand up and depose the tyrant emperor of Austro-Hungary and replace him with a benevolent boar. Or at least that's what Viktor, our titular hero, thinks after he quickly finds himself without a job. And thus begins the demo provided for the game to whet our proverbial whistles while they strive to get funded on IndieGogo. Being the sort that just can't say no to a demo, particularly for a point and click adventure game, I decided to download it and give it a spin. "


Fight the Power in Steampunk Adventure Viktor

Serena Nelson writes: "Viva la revolucion! Most adventure games take you on a quest of some importance. Whether it's to save the kingdom or just to find a nice place to nap most tend to be on the epic side of epicness. And Viktor looks to take this idea and has our "hero" strive to take down the emperor of his country. For whatever reason it is, it's left unclear in the pitch. After an unsuccessful Kickstarter late last year they're back on Indiegogo to give it a second shot. Hopefully they'll do better this time around."


Viktor: The Lowlife Pig Who Wants to Rule the World | Hardcore Gamer

Viktor is a pig, a little grumpy and rude but not a bad sort overall. He’s bounced from one job to another through his life and just recently gotten fired from being a street sweeper. Deciding that a little upward mobility would be nice, he sets his sights on becoming emperor of the world, because that doesn’t seem too unreasonable.

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