New Democracy Maps

Nondiscrimination Laws

Housing nondiscrimination laws protect LGBTQ people from being unfairly evicted, denied housing, or refused the ability to rent or buy housing on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This map shows state housing nondiscrimination laws that explicitly enumerate sexual orientation and/or gender identity as protected classes, as well as states that explicitly interpret existing sex protections to include sexual orientation and/or gender identity.  Additionally, in states without state protections, municipalities may provide local-level nondiscrimination protections. See our maps tracking local-level nondiscrimination ordinances here

Other rights may exist or be recognized where you live; this map is not intended as legal advice or an indication of your rights. If you have experienced discrimination, contact Lambda Legal's Help Desk or otherwise seek legal advice.
United States Map
Washington New York U.S. Virgin Islands Puerto Rico Guam Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands American Samoa New Hampshire Vermont Virginia Pennsylvania New York Maine West Virginia Ohio Kentucky Indiana Michigan Illinois Wisconsin North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Georgia Florida Mississippi Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Iowa Minnesota Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska South Dakota North Dakota Texas 33 Colorado Wyoming Montana Idaho Arizona Utah Nevada Oregon California Hawaii Alaska Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland Washington D.C. New Hampshire Vermont
  • State law explicitly prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (22 states , 1 territory + D.C.)
  • State explicitly interprets existing prohibition on sex discrimination to include sexual orientation and/or gender identity (see note) (8 states)
  • State law explicitly prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation only (2 states)
  • No explicit prohibitions for discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in state law (18 states, 4 territories)
*NOTE: In green stripe states, the state's nondiscrimination law does not explicitly enumerate sexual orientation or gender identity, but the state's civil/human rights commission has explicitly stated it interprets the state's existing protections against sex discrimination to include protections for both sexual orientation and gender identity. See the "Citations & More Information" button beneath the map legend for more detail for every state.

Additionally, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) currently interprets the Fair Housing Act's ban on sex-based discrimination to include discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. LGBTQ people who believe they have experienced housing discrimination may be able to pursue claims through this avenue. However, local ordinances, state laws, federal court rulings, and more create a patchwork of nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people across the country.  Given this patchwork, individuals who have experienced discrimination should contact Lambda Legal's Help Desk or otherwise seek legal advice. This map is not intended as legal advice or an indication of your rights.

Recommended citation:
Movement Advancement Project. "Equality Maps: Housing Nondiscrimination Laws." Accessed 03/19/2025.

Percent of Adult LGBTQ Population Covered by Laws

*Note: These percentages reflect estimates of the LGBTQ adult population living in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Estimates of the LGBTQ adult population in the five inhabited U.S. territories are not available, and so cannot be reflected here.


49 % of LGBTQ population lives in states prohibiting housing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity


20 % of LGBTQ population lives in states explicitly interpreting existing prohibition on sex discrimination to include sexual orientation and/or gender identity


3 % of LGBTQ population lives in states prohibiting housing discrimination based on sexual orientation only


28 % of LGBTQ population lives in states that do not prohibit housing discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity (including 2% of LGBTQ population living in states that preempt local nondiscrimination laws)

Data current as of 03/19/2025
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