'Sup, bros? Apple debuted a new operating system at its Worldwide Developers Conference on Monday.
Before revealing the real name of the new OS X (Yosemite -- boooo-ring), Apple exec Craig Federighi joked that the development team considered another California-friendly name: OS X Weed.

The hashtag #OSXWeed quickly began a worldwide trending topic on Twitter, because, well, the Internet was made for weed jokes, Apple events and Game of Thrones spoilers.
OS X Weed #osx #os10.10 #wwdc #osxWeed pic.twitter.com/nepMGVMvUh
— Shaul Bar-Lev (@shaulbarlev) June 2, 2014
OS X Weed: Rolling into your iPhone later this year. Or whenever we get it around to it, brahs.
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Additional wit provided by: Christine Erickson, Brian Koerber, Laura Vitto, Dennis Green, Andrea Romano, Max Knoblauch, Colin Gorenstein
BONUS: The History of Marijuana in the U.S, Man