5 Newscasters Who Spoke Out About Being Body Shamed – Including a Pregnant Reporter Celebrating a Week Free of Insults

Body shaming from their viewers has become an unfortunate (and unwanted) part of their job description, but these five women won't let it bother them


Just one day after a Chicago reporter made headlines for posting a rude letter from a viewer who told her she needed to lose weight for her job security, a fellow newscaster posted a sad milestone – Lauren Jones had finally gone one week without a viewer mocking her growing pregnancy belly.

“We are celebrating today because Lauren has gone one week without someone saying something mean to her about baby weight gain. That’s a new record,” her colleague at Louisville, Ken. station Wave 3, John Boel, posted on Facebook. “Big day is only 9 weeks away!”

Of course, that record quickly came to an end when Jones shared the post on her own page, and rude comments started popping up below.

It’s a problematic trend for female newscasters, who often receive nasty letters and tweets from viewers about their appearance.

The Chicago reporter, Marcella Raymond, who went viral with a rude letter from a viewer Tuesday, responded to her attacker in an on-air segment.

“Our main job is not to wear a swimsuit or to look like a beauty queen. Our main job is to deliver the news in the best way we can,” Raymond told WGN Radio. “It’s not about being the prettiest girl on TV.”

In support, Raymond’s coworkers read the meanest letters they’ve gotten, and Maria Shriver, who often appears as a political correspondent on the Today Show, tweeted out Raymond’s story.

And pregnancy seems to be a major concern for viewers. In January, Australian broadcaster Deborah Knight, who was two days away from going on maternity leave with her third child, shared one letter on Twitter.

“Charming viewer email: ‘Deb great BUT don’t need to look at pregnant body. If you must have her on keep her sitting down,” Knight tweeted. ” ‘It looks repulsive.’ ”

She wasn’t about to let it bother her, though.

“I was just disappointed that someone would express that view in 2016,” Knight said.

Fellow Aussie reporter Sarah Harris didn’t hold back while addressing the body shamers who called her “fat” and “ugly” during her pregnancy in October.

“On behalf of all of the pregnant women out there who might be feeling a little bit chubby and a little bit flabby. On behalf of all of them, I want to say to the haters, get stuffed,” she said while anchoring morning show Studio 10.

“I’m kind of fed up with the body shaming that happens when you’re pregnant,” Harris said. “And then the pressure that comes afterwards to lose the baby weight. I’m proud of my body and what it’s doing.”

Stateside, at Philadelphia’s CBS 3, meteorologist Katie Fehlinger posted on Facebook that a viewer said she looked like “sausage in casing” while 35 weeks pregnant with twins, and was told that “sticking your pregnant abdomen out like that is disgusting.”

RELATED VIDEO: Celebrities Call Out Body Shamers!

“Even during the most uncomfortable and let’s face it, less than glamorous symptoms of pregnancy, what women go through to bring their precious children into the world is, simply put, AMAZING and you should be lauded,” Fehlinger wrote in response.

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