Apr 12, 2018
I got to draw and paint a hippo! This is like reason #4,534,252 why working with Tor.com and Irene Gallo is an absolute pleasure.
Check out the story too! Worth Her Weight in Gold by Sarah Gailey.

I got to draw and paint a hippo! This is like reason #4,534,252 why working with Tor.com and Irene Gallo is an absolute pleasure. 

Check out the story too! Worth Her Weight in Gold by Sarah Gailey. 

Aug 10, 2017

Now that they’ve all been revealed, I’m so excited to finally share them. 

Jun 20, 2017
Had the great opportunity of illustrating the Beatles for Rolling Stone’s review of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band: Anniversary Edition. Many thanks to art director, Matthew Colley, for this amazing chance!

Had the great opportunity of illustrating the Beatles for Rolling Stone’s review of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band: Anniversary Edition. Many thanks to art director, Matthew Colley, for this amazing chance!

Apr 10, 2017
I love working with Rolling Stone. This one is for an article on Ayahuasca.

I love working with Rolling Stone. This one is for an article on Ayahuasca. 

Oct 18, 2016
Phish, for Rolling Stone’s album review of Big Boat

Phish, for Rolling Stone’s album review of Big Boat

Aug 24, 2016
Tommy and Rita for BOOM! Studios’s MMPR 2016 Annual, Diamond Retailer Summit Exclusive Cover.

Tommy and Rita for BOOM! Studios’s MMPR 2016 Annual, Diamond Retailer Summit Exclusive Cover.

Jul 28, 2016

Did some alternate covers for Dynamite’s Kiss #1

Jul 18, 2016

I was lucky enough to work with Peter Mohrbacher on these two pieces for his fallen angel artwork collection Angelarium: Book of Watchers. Limited prints will be distributed as part of the kickstarter campaign

Jul 18, 2016
Remember all those zords for BOOM! Studios? They’ve gone and combined! :P
More good news, I will be attending the San Diego Comic-Con this year and signing at the BOOM! Studios’ booth, plus forming part of a panel. My schedule:
Friday, July...

Remember all those zords for BOOM! Studios? They’ve gone and combined! :P

More good news, I will be attending the San Diego Comic-Con this year and signing at the BOOM! Studios’ booth, plus forming part of a panel. My schedule:

Friday, July 22

11:30a.m. - 12:30p.m. Panel

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: It’s Morphin Time!

Room 5AB

2:00 - 2:50p.m. Signing (with Kyle Higgins)

BOOM! Studios booth #2229

5:00 - 5:50p.m. Signing (with Kyle Higgins)

BOOM! Studios booth #2229

Saturday, July 23

11:00 - 11:50a.m. Signing (with Kyle Higgins)

BOOM! Studios booth #2229

5:00 - 5:50p.m. Signing (with Kyle Higgins)

BOOM! Studios booth #2229

Sunday, July 24

1:00 - 1:50p.m. Signing (with Kyle Higgins)

BOOM! Studios booth #2229

Jun 13, 2016

Finally can show the Zords for BOOM! Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

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