Now that they’ve all been revealed, I’m so excited to finally share them.
Did some alternate covers for Dynamite’s Kiss #1
I was lucky enough to work with Peter Mohrbacher on these two pieces for his fallen angel artwork collection Angelarium: Book of Watchers. Limited prints will be distributed as part of the kickstarter campaign.

Remember all those zords for BOOM! Studios? They’ve gone and combined! :P
More good news, I will be attending the San Diego Comic-Con this year and signing at the BOOM! Studios’ booth, plus forming part of a panel. My schedule:
Friday, July 22
11:30a.m. - 12:30p.m. Panel
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: It’s Morphin Time!
Room 5AB
2:00 - 2:50p.m. Signing (with Kyle Higgins)
BOOM! Studios booth #2229
5:00 - 5:50p.m. Signing (with Kyle Higgins)
BOOM! Studios booth #2229
Saturday, July 23
11:00 - 11:50a.m. Signing (with Kyle Higgins)
BOOM! Studios booth #2229
5:00 - 5:50p.m. Signing (with Kyle Higgins)
BOOM! Studios booth #2229
Sunday, July 24
1:00 - 1:50p.m. Signing (with Kyle Higgins)
BOOM! Studios booth #2229
Finally can show the Zords for BOOM! Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers