1. Apple’s stuff continues to just work →

    One of the most important things that keeps me glued to Apple’s hardware and software ecosystem is the fact that, the vast majority of the time, things just work.

    Yep. In fact, I was recently reminded of this too.

    I had a client this week who bought her first Mac after years of using a Windows PC. I told her what I tell a lot of people who are making the switch. On Windows, you get used to things being as unintuitive and hard as possible. You run into something you want to do or some setting you would like to change and your first instinct becomes looking for it through some obscure, poorly-labeled, dialog, filled with tabs that change position when you click on them, that is only accessible through a right click. One of the things you have to do, when switching to Mac, is to force yourself to think differently in such situations. You should stop, take a step back, and ask, “In an ideal world, where would this setting be? How would this work? What would it be called?”. On a Mac, nine times out of ten, it is exactly where you think it should be. Things work exactly the way you think they should.

    I have given this advice countless times over the twenty years of my consulting business. And, from those I have given it to, almost everyone has told me it was the thing that made the transition to Mac the easiest. That they never cease being amazed by the “magic” of things just working.

    I think those of us who have long used Macs forget how special that is.

  1. xpaddy01 reblogged this from minimalmac
  2. testadiginocchio reblogged this from minimalmac and added:
    Esatto. Amo il mio macbook.
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  6. hypnoticmonkey reblogged this from smutchings and added:
    Except for the buttons on iPhones. Those fuckers never seem to work.
  7. jdalarose reblogged this from minimalmac and added:
    Great advice.
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