Final Update:
In the last week co-founders of the Alaska Cannabis Club and I travelled to Bethel, AK, Fairbanks, AK out to the MatSu Valley and all around Anchorage informing voters at public hearings and registering Alaskans to vote.
We threw 2 free community BBQ/voter registration drives and got 150+ people to register in just a week!
Now that the voter registration deadline has passed, the real work of EDUCATING our neighbors, family members, co-workers and friends begins. Please, continue sharing your Marijuana Story.
Remember: Changing one heart and one mind at a time is the only way to END MARIJUANA PROHIBITION.
With love,
AKcannabisclub. com
@akcannabisclub on Twitter
@IamCharloGreene on Twitter
@CharloGreene in Instagram
Read before you proceed
Due to campaign finance laws, any and all donations over $49 will be going directly to Charlo's own personal fund. Anyone planning on donating from this point on should be aware of this fact. Anyone who has donated $50 or more will be made aware of this and will have the opportunity to amend or rescind their donation.
That being said, THANK YOU for you generosity. Please trust that I will put your funds to good use.
Short Summary
I'm Charlo Greene, the president and CEO of the Alaska Cannabis Club - Alaska's only legal medical marijuana resource. I just quit my news reporting job on live TV to announce that I am redirecting all of my energy toward helping to end a failed drug policy that has ruined the lives of far too many Americans.
Ballot Measure 2, the initiative to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol in Alaska, isn't just about marijuana in the Last Frontier, it's about keeping the ball rolling on NATIONAL legalization. Imagine, if after Colorado and Washington have legalized recreational marijuana and are offering the rest of the world a positive outlook on what ending marijuana prohibition can do, Alaskan voters fail to continue moving our nation in the direction toward freedom and fairness. There's no doubt that will impact every other state, national and international marijuana reform effort. Americans with common sense don't want that.
Help us to keep that from becoming a reality.
What We Need
$5,000 will help us inform Alaskan voters across our expansive state.
Money will be applied toward travel costs and informational materials (advertising, pamphlets, fliers...).
Risks & Challenges
As a member of the media, I've seen the dirty campaign tricks and lies that prohibitionists have been using over the past several months to sway Alaskan voters firsthand. Here's the sad thing: it's working. Polling shows the majority of Alaskans, who were in favor of the initiative at the start of the year, are now against it.
Few people fighting for marijuana legalization in Alaska are as media savvy, well educated on the marijuana industry, passionate, professional and completely dedicated to passing this initiative as me, the only person in Alaska that has had the balls to face the injustice of Alaska's medical marijuana catch-22 and do something about it. My Alaska Cannabis Club members are right here with me, ready to fight this long overdue fight.
Other Ways You Can Help
- SHARE the link to this IndieGoGo campaign
- Register to vote in your area
- Show up and VOTE on Ballot Measure 2 on November 4 in Alaska
- If you can't donate, please help us to get the word out about this campaign. Talk to family and friends and again please, SHARE on social media.