Media types and formats for image, audio, and video content
Since nearly its beginning, the web has included support for some form of visual media presentation. Originally, these capabilities were limited, and were expanded organically, with different browsers finding their own solutions to the problems around including still and video imagery on the web. The modern web has powerful features to support the presentation and manipulation of media, with several media-related APIs supporting various types of content. Generally, the media formats supported by a browser are entirely up to the browser's creators, which can complicate the work of a web developer.
This guide provides an overview of the media file types, codecs, and algorithms that may comprise media used on the web. It also provides browser support information for various combinations of these, and suggestions for prioritization of formats, as well as which formats excel at specific types of content.
- Codecs in common media types
At a fundamental level, you can specify the type of a media file using a basic MIME type, such as
. However, many media types—especially those that support video tracks—can benefit from the ability to more precisely describe the format of the data within them. For instance, just describing a video in an MPEG-4 file with the MIME typevideo/mp4
doesn't say anything about what format the actual media within takes.- Codecs used by WebRTC
The WebRTC API makes it possible to construct websites and apps that let users communicate in real time, using audio and/or video as well as optional data and other information. To communicate, the two devices need to be able to agree upon a mutually-understood codec for each track so they can successfully communicate and present the shared media. This guide reviews the codecs that browsers are required to implement as well as other codecs that some or all browsers support for WebRTC.
- Configuring servers for Ogg media
elements allow media presentation without the need for the user to install extensions or other software. This guide covers server configuration that may be necessary to correctly serve Ogg media files. This information may also be useful if you encounter other media types your server isn't already configured to recognize.- Digital audio concepts
Representing audio in digital form involves a number of steps and processes, with multiple formats available both for the raw audio and the encoded or compressed audio which is actually used on the web. This guide is an overview examining how audio is represented digitally, and how codecs are used to encode and decode audio for use on the web.
- Digital video concepts
In this article, we explore important concepts that are useful to understand in order to fully grasp how to work with video on the web.
- Handling media support issues in web content
One of the realities of working with audio and video presentation and manipulation on the web is that there are a number of media formats available, of varying degrees of popularity and with a variety of capabilities. The availability of choices is good for the user, in that they can choose the format that suits their needs best. There is a drawback, however: because there are so many to choose from, with so many different kinds of licenses and design principles involved, each web browser developer is left to its own devices when deciding which media file types and codecs to support.
- Image file type and format guide
In this guide, we'll cover the image file types generally supported by web browsers, and provide insights that will help you select the most appropriate formats to use for your site's imagery.
- Media container formats (file types)
A media container is a file format that encapsulates one or more media streams (such as audio or video) along with metadata, enabling them to be stored and played back together. The format of audio and video media files is defined by multiple components, including the audio and/or video codecs used, the media container format (or file type), and optionally other elements such as subtitle codecs or metadata. In this guide, we'll look at the container formats used most commonly on the web, covering basics about their specifications as well as their benefits, limitations, and ideal use cases.
- Web audio codec guide
Even modest quality, high-fidelity stereo sound can use a substantial amount of disk space. For web developers, an even bigger concern is the network bandwidth needed in order to transfer audio, whether for streaming or to download it for use during gameplay. The processing of audio data to encode and decode it is handled by an audio codec (COder/DECoder). In this article, we look at audio codecs used on the web to compress and decompress audio, what their capabilities and use cases are, and offer guidance when choosing audio codecs to use for your content.
- Web video codec guide
This guide introduces the video codecs you're most likely to encounter or consider using on the web, summaries of their capabilities and any compatibility and utility concerns, and advice to help you choose the right codec for your project's video.
- Learn: HTML video and audio
This tutorial introduces and details the use of media on the web.
See also
- Media Capabilities API
The Media Capabilities API lets you discover the encoding and decoding capabilities of the device your app or site is running on. This lets you make real-time decisions about what formats to use and when.