Walden Media Will Adapt Supernatural Librarian Comic 'Rex Libris'

February 24, 2012
Source: Variety

Rex Libris

Walden Media, the company behind the Chronicles of Narnia franchise adaptation, is looking to capitalize on both the supernatural and comic book trend Hollywood loves so damn much now with an adaptation of Rex Libris. Based on James Turner's comic book of the same name, it centers around a quirky librarian with fists of steel who battles zombies and wrestles monsters in order to protect Middleton Public Library from danger. Hunting down late fees from alien warlords and saving customers from falling into alternate realities is all in a day's work for Rex, who is a member of a secret society called Ordo Biblioteca. Read on!

Variety reports that the film will be adapted to the screen by Ben Zazove, but it's unclear whether he will just write the screenplay or pull double duty as writer and director. Zazove is almost as mysterious as some of Rex Libris' fictional foes as Variety lists him as the writer of The Tooth Fairy 2 (sadly starring Larry the Cable Guy), but Zazove isn't listed on IMDb and The Tooth Fairy 2 doesn't list any writer for the project at all, even on IMDB Pro. Seems like this guy's going through a lot of trouble to not be associated with that sequel, and I can't say I blame him. Let's just hope this adaptation gives him a lot more to work with.

The character of Rex Libris sounds pretty cool, and it sounds like it he gets around outside of the library a bit, too. The comic's official website reveals that Libris uses teleportation crystals to transport to the farthest corners of the universe. The comics are all drawn with a very slick black, white, and grey sci-fi throwback style, looking something like Fritz Lang's Metropolis mixed with Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (but hopefully the movie is better than that). No word on whether the film version will be black and white, but we'll keep you posted with more info on this movie as it becomes available.


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