
Violating the creed of the assassin

AWESOMEoutof10's Liam Hayes isn't quite sold on the Assassin's Creed series, partly due to the fact that none of the protagonists ever act much like assassins -- somewhat of a problem for a series with the word in its title. "With a fleshed out stealth system justified by harder combat, Assassin’s Creed could establish itself as a series with a distinct identity, and, in doing so, find its niche and enable itself to stand the test of time. Or Ubisoft could just continue appeal to the masses and drain its life blood over a nest of squawking investor mouths. In any case, I only wish for the series to flourish. Hopefully, if any of these proposed changes are made, we can get to the real heart of what Assassin’s Creed should and could be. Preferably by way of a knife, having crept up by employing a capable stealth mechanic, and without having to pick up some flags afterwards."

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DasTier3906d ago


I hope they start putting choice into these games. With certain plot revelations in recent games, we can see that the Assassins are just as "evil" as the Templars and personally, I find myself more connected with the Templar point of view.


Report: Assassin's Creed Black Flag Remake Will Be More Than a Visual Upgrade, New Systems Mentioned

Assassin's Creed Black Flag Remake looks to be all but confirmed, with some first official details being shared online.

-Foxtrot55d ago

Black Flags is great and all but they really should have remade the first game.

Like I said Black Flags is a fantastic pirate game but it's where, for me anyway, it started to drift away from it's Assassin roots and felt like a new IP they were too scared to do without something attached. It's funny because they could have called this Skull and Bones back then or just "Black Flags and it would have done well enough to start a new IP for them. Sometimes I felt Black Flags was held back in some places because it was attached to AC lore, if it was a new IP it would have been fun to continue Edwards adventures in multiple games as he was a really good characters.

RaidenBlack55d ago

Altair's AC1 deserves more of a reimagining than a straight remake ... The game's got pacing issue and is comparatively barren especially since the parkour ability surprise has worn of.

VenomUK55d ago

I loved Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and so did many millions of other people. Ubisoft intentionally reduced the AC element so it was mostly a pirate game that had the broadest appeal.

Ubisoft should not have wasted time making the online Skull & Bones or this remake - it should’ve just made a new standalone single player pirate game that could become a franchise.

anast55d ago

They are doing this because they just have to reskin Odyssey. The first one would take an actual ground up effort.

RaidenBlack54d ago

Odyssey? But that's totally different structure from the pre-Origins AC palette i.e of AC4 in this case.
That'd mean the AC4 Remake would be more akin to the RPG-ACs, which Black Flag was not and I'd definitely dont want that from the remake.
I am skeptical but am not totally dismissing the ^idea either, coz remakes like FF7 have totally reimagined the base game.
IF that's what they end up doing, then please Ubi, dont remake the other classical ACs. I want more of a modern graphics overhaul with some QoL changes, like the MGS Delta or RE4, than total reimagining.

anast54d ago (Edited 54d ago )

They are going to repurpose Odyssey's water environments, islands, and a big part of the animations from the naval stuff.

I don't think they will do a FF7, it's not how they operate. But if they do, I'm with you. I would love to see those games too.

vTuro2454d ago

I had fun with the first game and I loved the setting, but holy shit was it repetitive. I'd be down for a remake but only if they seriously adress that part of the game.

Chard54d ago

I agree to the extent that I want a pirate game uninterrupted by periodic visits to the modern day. Hopefully the remake fixes that

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 54d ago
Knightofelemia55d ago

I like Black Flag but I also liked Rogue too bad it's not a two for one deal.

RaidenBlack55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

Wish they remade ACII before Black Flag ... or even re-imagined AC1

RaidenBlack54d ago

ACII >>> AC4. ~ Its the best 'AC' game. Black Flag was a good pirate game, Odyssey is a good mythological RPG game. But are not better 'AC' game.

ReidoN755d ago

I never put anywhere near enough into Black Flag when it first launched.

Looking forward to giving it another go when the remake launches.

blackblades55d ago

They milking the F outta this franchise

Profchaos55d ago

It's the only thing keeping the lights on at ubi well AC and siege ofcourse.

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Ubisoft Has Added Steam Achievements To Ghost Recon & Assassin's Creed titles

Ubisoft has added Steam achievements to several of its titles, including games in the Ghost Recon and Assassin's Creed series.

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Assassin's Creed Black Flag Remake is Closer Than You Think

EXCLUSIVE - New details on the Assassin's Creed franchise, including a surprise detail that the Assassin's Creed Black Flag Remake.

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Chocoburger156d ago

This game is too new to receive a remake. Its also playable on current Xbox and PlayStation platforms. Assassin's Creed needs a break, not another release, come up with something new, and different, without grinding.

Zombieburger638155d ago

This was their last good game and everything else they’ve churned out is just garbage. It makes sense but it shows how desperate they are.

outsider1624155d ago

What about mirage. Heard it went back to its roots...although the combat was a bit wonky

glennhkboy155d ago

AC Origin was Ubisoft's last great game.

bababooiy155d ago

There hasnt been a AC game in 4 years, Valhalla came out in 2020. As much as im not a fan of Ubi they kinda did do what people asked in this case and give the franchise a break.

MDTunkown155d ago

7th gen games still look good and black flag is the best looking one. They better should had remastered first game

Chocoburger155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

Shezgear already corrected you, Mirage came out after Valhalla. There's such a flood of AC releases that its hard to keep track of them.

Either way, BF doesn't need a remake yet. The first game needs it more, but I'd rather have a cell-shaded Prince of Persia 2008 sequel. Unfortunately we'll never see another entry like that.

Extermin8or3_155d ago

@chocoburger yeah but why wont we see a sequel to that prince of Persian game which I for one thought was excellent. Because the game failed and didn't sell well. So who's fault is it that we won't see a sequel? Gamers that didn't buy it. Why do they make so many assassin's creed games? Because they all sell well.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 155d ago
Demetrius155d ago

Ubisoft doesnt believe in breaks or a thoroughly crafted game on the level of red dead 2, last of us, ghost of tsushima and the sequel of that lmao. They release small ass updates that tweak fix instead of actually supporting to release a fat update like cyberpunk 2.0 smh its ubi fault they're in bullshhi, I still think they'll be aite. Still alot of damage done tho

Exvalos155d ago

To new? Black flag is a 360 ps3 title......

Popsicle155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

It was a cross gen launch. I only ever played it on my launch PS4. Black Flag is my favorite AC game, but it doesn’t need a remake. The PS4 version still holds up with respect to graphics and gameplay. Would prefer a fresh experience that isn’t tied to a tired franchise.

Black Flag is a great game, but gaming needs to move forward with new ideas, mechanics, gameplay, etc. These types of remakes are partly the reason why Gen 9 feels lackluster when compared to previous generational leaps.

Chocoburger154d ago

Popsicle said everything I was going to say. Its too new for a remake. Play it right now on PC / PS4 / PS5 / XBO / XBSS.

There are others games that could use a remake, or simply a brand new (not AC) game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 154d ago
RaidenBlack155d ago

well ... old school AC fans do, after seeing what Ubi ballooned the franchise into ...
but I'd have accepted more if they picked AC2 instead...

JL2930152d ago (Edited 152d ago )

Hopefully they remake the gameplay as well, even at the time it was one of the most boring game I've ever played. AC2 was far superior.

SDuck155d ago

no thank you. I couldn't care less for any new Ubisoft game right now. And it's not like that game needs a remake anyways

gold_drake155d ago

i dont understand why we need a remake of a late ps4 game.

gold_drake155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

there was a playstation 4 version too of it tho no?

the point stands tho.

andy85155d ago

Late PS4? This came out before the PS4 was even released

Pyrofire95155d ago

it doesn't stand. it was a PS3 game that had a port with a small visual bump. If you wanna make a point make it something else.

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