AWESOMEoutof10's Liam Hayes isn't quite sold on the Assassin's Creed series, partly due to the fact that none of the protagonists ever act much like assassins -- somewhat of a problem for a series with the word in its title. "With a fleshed out stealth system justified by harder combat, Assassin’s Creed could establish itself as a series with a distinct identity, and, in doing so, find its niche and enable itself to stand the test of time. Or Ubisoft could just continue appeal to the masses and drain its life blood over a nest of squawking investor mouths. In any case, I only wish for the series to flourish. Hopefully, if any of these proposed changes are made, we can get to the real heart of what Assassin’s Creed should and could be. Preferably by way of a knife, having crept up by employing a capable stealth mechanic, and without having to pick up some flags afterwards."
Assassin's Creed Black Flag Remake looks to be all but confirmed, with some first official details being shared online.
Black Flags is great and all but they really should have remade the first game.
Like I said Black Flags is a fantastic pirate game but it's where, for me anyway, it started to drift away from it's Assassin roots and felt like a new IP they were too scared to do without something attached. It's funny because they could have called this Skull and Bones back then or just "Black Flags and it would have done well enough to start a new IP for them. Sometimes I felt Black Flags was held back in some places because it was attached to AC lore, if it was a new IP it would have been fun to continue Edwards adventures in multiple games as he was a really good characters.
Wish they remade ACII before Black Flag ... or even re-imagined AC1
I never put anywhere near enough into Black Flag when it first launched.
Looking forward to giving it another go when the remake launches.
Ubisoft has added Steam achievements to several of its titles, including games in the Ghost Recon and Assassin's Creed series.
EXCLUSIVE - New details on the Assassin's Creed franchise, including a surprise detail that the Assassin's Creed Black Flag Remake.
This game is too new to receive a remake. Its also playable on current Xbox and PlayStation platforms. Assassin's Creed needs a break, not another release, come up with something new, and different, without grinding.
no thank you. I couldn't care less for any new Ubisoft game right now. And it's not like that game needs a remake anyways
I hope they start putting choice into these games. With certain plot revelations in recent games, we can see that the Assassins are just as "evil" as the Templars and personally, I find myself more connected with the Templar point of view.