
Weekly Deals for Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart, GameStop and Toys R Us for May 25th

The Weekly Deals for Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart, GameStop and Toys R Us are now live.

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Sam Fisher3625d ago

I got to laugh at this, weekly deals on games for stores that sells about anything have better sales than a store that was created for only videogames, gamestop blows

VforVideogames3625d ago

they fail to mention amazon has splinter cell blacklist for 9.99!!!!!!!!! that's a deal.

MasterD9193625d ago

Great game...playing through it now.


New Helldivers 2 Major Order will give players a new weapon, but choose wisely

MAJOR ORDER: Helldivers, it's time to choose between liberating Choohe or Penta. Depending on your choice, you will receive either the MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines or the RL-77 Airburst Rocket Launcher.

(And you'll save the citizens. Don't forget the citizens.)


Remnant 2: The Forgotten Kingdom Reignited My Love for This World

Remnant 2: The Forgotten Kingdom only came to enrich the storyline of the base game, the Pan civilization, and Yaesha.

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jznrpg1h ago

I like the game a lot. I would like the outside world to be a little more detailed open and varied but overall it’s a really good game and I understand they are limited by their budget and team size. For a lower priced game it’s worth more than they charge


How To Solve Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update Performance Issue On OLED Steam Deck

Despite being verified for the Steam Deck, Fallout 4 has issues running on the OLED version of Valve's handheld device. Here's how it works.

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