Christmas Roses are a New Year pleasure in the garden
ONCE Christmas is over one of the first plants to start flowering, ironically, is the Christmas Rose.
The Helleborus niger, to give it its botanical name, flowers in January and February and although traditionally white there are dozens of colours to choose from among the numerous cultivars of the Helleborus species.
Their cup-like flowers bloom for weeks, too, until gradually fading away and dropping off to reveal huge seed heads.
Hellebores like a rich but well draining soil so they will benefit from compost or organic matter being dug into the soil before planting.
They look great on banks where you can get a better view of their slightly downward-looking flowers, and are particularly useful for brightening up a partially shady area. But if you prefer them in a border they should probably go at the front, because they are generally quite compact.
Once in flower you can strip away the old leaves so that it's easier to see the flowers, and this also helps to prevent the spread of fungal disease such as leaf spot. Hellebores are perennials so they will carry on brightening your winter days for years, and once established you can easily split the plant in two and replant to double your enjoyment.
Given the right conditions they will self-seed quite easily, too, but if you deadhead them instead of leaving the seed to ripen they will grow back stronger next year.
In autumn put a mulch of home-made compost over them to improve the soil and nourish the roots, then it's just a matter of waiting for them to emerge again the following January or February.