Reader Stories: Working the magical morning light with my Canon 60D
posted Monday, December 14, 2015 at 2:24 PM EDT

By IR Reader Dave March
First off I would like to say I am an amateur photographer that has been hooked from the start on this wonderful hobby. I love the challenge and seeing the results of not only mine, but other folks work is very rewarding. Always learning something new -never a dull moment. Right now I am mostly doing Nature & wildlife photography with some landscapes thrown in on the side.
The image I have here is one of a snowy egret doing some fishing while in flight across the pond early one morning. I love to get up to catch this activity - especially the early morning light. The lighting sometimes is magical. I shot with a Canon 60D and Canon 100-400L lens on this image.

...Keep on clicking folks!
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(25 seconds / f/2.8 / 16mm / ISO 250 / manual exposure)