‘Inspirational porn’ is offensive to people with disabilities. We are not making excuses. 

Not everyone is capable of becoming a doctor.
Not everyone is capable of becoming a teacher.
Not everyone is capable of being the Prime Minister or the President. 
Not everyone wants to collect money for charity.

All disabled people are different, there are so many different things that make people disabled. Just because someone who is disabled doesn’t become an Olympic athlete it doesn’t mean they are giving in to their disability. 

We are not defined by our disabilities. Being disabled isn’t a bad thing. Yes people who are in car accidents can learn to walk again, but that doesn’t mean that every disabled person can learn to walk again, mainly because not every disabled person can’t walk. 

But for those with chronic illnesses walking is painful, it’s dangerous, some of us would end up collapsing if we walk to far, walking makes us extremely fatigued, walking can make us sicker.

Inspiration porn is when disabled people are called inspirational or brave for doing all the things that regular people do.  It’s a problem because it assumes that anyone with a disability must have it so much worse than the rest of us.  And because it uses disabled people to make us non disabled people feel good about ourselves, or to make us do something, like exercise or whatever.  And disabled people aren’t tools, they’re people.

'The only disability in life is a bad attitude’, no, the only disability in life is people who don’t want to adjust the word to help those with disabilities, but want to adjust those with disabilities to the world.

EDIT: The pictures which I have edited are merely parodies of 'inspirational porn’, they are here to show abled-bodied people, or those who may be disabled but post things like this, how ridiculous they are. The pictures with the black text are not supposed to be how they have disabilities. The careers that I have chosen also have nothing to do with it, it is just to show how ridiculous inspirational porn is. 

Thank you to wardahahmar and fishnbanjos (It won’t let me tag them for some reason) x

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