JRR Tolkien Explains Lord Of The Rings In Legendary Recording

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In 1958, J.R.R. Tolkien attended a "Hobbit Dinner" in the Netherlands, an event set up by Tolkien's Dutch publisher, where 200 fans could hear their favorite author speak. And speak he did, explaining the meaning of his most famous work, reciting a poem in Elvish, and more. And for the first time, you'll be able to hear him too.

Tolkien's speech was recorded and subsequently lost. But Legendarium.me co-founder Jay Johnstone somehow figured out the recording existed and was being hidden away by A Dutch Tolkien fan and Lord-of the Rings-themed shop owner named René van Rossenberg. Johnstone convinced van Rossenberg to let the world hear Tolkien's thoughts on his epic fantasy later this year, after its been remastered.


Happily, there is a very brief preview of the recording:

Tolkien explaining his thoughts about the meaning of Lord of the Rings to a room full of super-fans? This has to be amazing. Head here to sign up to be kept up-to-date on the recording's release.


[Via HuffPo]