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Bedout Island seabird populations decimated by Cyclone Ilsa

Researchers find thousands of seabirds on Bedout Island, near Port Hedland, were killed in Cyclone Ilsa.
ABC News Current
Duration: 20 seconds

Three species of birds were all but wiped out on this Australian island in a single day

New research has revealed the devastating impact Tropical Cyclone Ilsa had on bird populations on Bedout Island off WA's Pilbara.
Two dead birds on a beach

Third US dairy worker contracts bird flu from sick cattle amid virus mutation warning

Avian influenza is producing mild symptoms in the US dairy cattle and farm workers it is infecting, but experts say it is vital to get the virus "mopped up" before it has a chance to mutate.
A person in a white protective suit stands next to a lake holding a dead crane.

Birding gave Holly peace during cancer treatment. Now a growing movement is embracing the benefits

Birds became Holly Merker's wellness companions during the toughest period of her life, so she started a global movement of people seeking out the mindfulness benefits of the practice.
A lady holding binoculars, wearing a blue jumper, in front of a pink-toned lagoon.

Thousands of chickens culled amid avian influenza outbreak at Victorian farm

Australian Chicken Growers' Council says avian influenza outbreak at Victorian farm appears to be contained.
Mass Chicken Cull, Bird Flu Outbreak: Close-up of a chicken with its mouth agape looking off camera surrounded by other chickens
Duration: 3 minutes 26 seconds

Feather transplants failed for Stan the wedge-tailed eagle, but it hasn't clipped his wings

After unsuccessful attempts at feather transplants, Stan the rescued wedge-tailed eagle has defied the odds as wildlife rescuers work to help the bird relearn how to fly.
wedge-tailed eagle

Wildlife warning after osprey 'matriarch' is injured by drone strike in WA

A Shark Bay osprey known as Pearl was seriously injured after being hit by a drone, prompting a warning for drone pilots from local wildlife carers. 
A bird with a white head and brown ruffled feathers states into the camera with yellow eyes.

Masked owl's lucky escape thanks to trio of tradies, wildlife rescue crew

This rare owl has had a lucky escape, thanks to an eagle-eyed home owner, who, along with a house painter and wildlife carers pulled off a rescue effort — and not a moment too soon.
A masked owl being held in a brown towel with a torch being shone in its eye

Channel Country blooms as floodwaters transform outback desert, stunning tourists

In Queensland’s far west, recent flooding has brought the channel country alive, with a wave of wildflowers carpeting the desert.
ABC News Current
Duration: 2 minutes 35 seconds

Rarely seen and hardly ever heard, secretive 'bunyip bird' spotted breeding for the first time in 40 years

The endangered Australasian bittern likes to keep a low profile and experts think there may be fewer than 1,000 left in Australia, but it's now been spotted with chicks in unique wetlands still recovering from damming in the 1960s.
a brown bird in flight

Parrots are being trafficked to become pets in Australia, and scientists are trying to stop it

You may be familiar with the use of DNA technology for catching criminals and solving crimes, but a group of scientists from Canberra and the UK are using DNA to save trafficked parrots. 
Indonesia confiscation - cockatoo

Molly the magpie singing with joy as video of long-awaited reunion with canine best friend released

After more than six weeks apart, the Insta-famous magpie and its best dog friends are back together at home on the Gold Coast — singing and sunning themselves like old times.
A woman sits with two dogs and a magpie

'Wiggly bottoms' and cries of happiness as Molly the magpie is reunited with Gold Coast family and canine pal

The Insta-famous magpie that forged a friendship with a Staffordshire terrier pup is returned to the family that raised it without the required permits.
A dog sleeping with a magpie on it's back

'Bloodthirsty' or an ethical way to source meat? A clash of ideas on a wetlands battlefield

Last year, a parliamentary inquiry recommended outlawing duck hunting, and many thought the 2023 season would be Victoria's last. But it's back, together with the divided opinions of hunters and conservationists.
A man wearing dark clothing and pointing a gun into the air

Wedge-tailed eagles are being tracked by satellite to see if they are a threat to lambs

Tracking devices on wedge-tailed eagles help scientists change the way farmers view Australia's largest bird of prey.
A wedge-tailed eagle in flight with its wings spread

Scientists hope these captive-bred, curious little birds can help halt their own 'extinction spiral'

Early success for a program to boost numbers of the eastern bristlebird in north-eastern NSW, with signs birds bred by researchers are "bonding" with their wild counterparts.
Rare eastern bristlebirds released in bid to boost wild population

Bird-loving professors instrumental in $390k purchase of cattle property to protect endangered native species

A Nature Foundation fundraising campaign that received two donations of $100,000 from generous professors enables it to buy a 200-hectare property home to malleefowl and other rare species in south-east South Australia.
A malleefowl

Nesting seabirds

During spring and autumn seabirds often nest near the shoreline where 4WDs drive.
ABC News Current
Duration: 1 minute 9 seconds

Magpies, magpie-larks and the striking mystery of the piping shrike

For more than 120 years, a question involving magpies has endlessly ruffled feathers — why is the bird on South Australia's state flag called a piping shrike? Trying to come up with an answer can feel like a wild goose chase, but ornithologists insist there's a simple solution.
A graphic showing magpies in the shape of a question mark.

This Brisbane magpie can make the sound of a blaring siren — but that's not unusual

When we think of birds mimicking sounds, we typically think of some kind of parrot, lyrebird or maybe even a cockatoo. However, magpies are among the best of the sound-sampling songbirds out there. 
A magpie

Swift parrots still in peril, despite revised numbers of surviving birds due to new counting method

While a new method of counting has resulted in the estimates of an endangered bird species being revised upwards, researchers say it in no way means the threat of extinction has lessened for the swift parrot.
A small green parrot on a gum tree branch.

Rainbow lorikeet most common bird in Aussie Bird Count

Sean Dooley from BirdLife Australia says the planting of flowering trees has encouraged the proliferation of nectar feeders like the lorikeet and noise miner.
ABC News Current
Duration: 4 minutes 52 seconds

Lorikeet, miner or magpie — what is Australia's most commonly spotted bird?

Last October, 60,000 people spent at least 20 minutes outside to identify the country's bird species and submit their tallies into the Aussie Bird Count app.
a composite image of a lorikeet, miner and magpie

A once-thriving penguin colony is in danger of dying out, needing shelter from the warming climate

Tens of thousands of tourists flock to an island off Perth's southern coast each year to see its population of little penguins, but as numbers of the birds plummet, scientists and volunteers team up to do something about it.
A close-up shot of two penguins as they look up at the camera from inside a nesting box.

Hundreds of waterbird deaths from avian cholera raise disease concerns for rarer birds feeding on corpses

An outbreak of avian cholera amongst the birds of the Coorong, claiming more than 1,000 since the start of the year, has ecologists and locals worried for rare raptors.
Two teal grey ducks wade in shallow water on the shoreline of the Coorong