
rose wong

@rosewong / rosewong.tumblr.com

art + life blog
illustrator/plant based in brooklyn
freelance/commission/inquiries/collaborations email: rosewongart@gmail.com
• • • portfolio website

NYFW (@nyfwofficial​) is here again. We’ve sent artists from Tumblr to cover everything and anything they have access to. Shows, presentations, backstage events—they’re going to share all of it with all of you for the 14th season in a row.

There’s a multitude of ways you can keep up. We’ll be reblogging the best of it over on our official Fashion (@fashion) Tumblr. The #NYFW tag will popping with the latest couture from the entire participating NYFW community. As always, you can follow this year’s photographers directly:

Photo credits go top to bottom and left to right in the order listed.

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