Posted in Food

French Onion Zucchini Bake | i am baker

So, you’re looking for a nice side dish to go with dinner.  Something tasty, not hard to make.  Something maybe a bit oo-la-la.  Maybe even something lower on the carb scale.

You definitely need to try this recipe.  French Onion Zucchini Bake

Being me, I made a couple of substitutions to the recipe.  I used 1 zucchini and 1 onion, and 1 6 oz package of shredded Swiss cheese.  It’s just a lot less pricey than Gruyere and more available to me.  Plus, I used a 10” skillet instead of a 12” since I’d kind of halved the recipe, as I knew my kids wouldn’t eat it.  They don’t like Swiss.  (!!?!)  Also, I omitted the sugar because #KetoGoals. 

I have to say, this may be one of my favorite vegetable dishes ever.  EVER.  Even my husband liked it and he doesn’t like onions.  Yes, it is that good! 

It takes maybe 10-15 mins to put together, and then you throw it in the oven for about half an hour, give or take.  I put it in during the last 30 mins of my roast cooking.  It’s also very forgiving.  One time, I did the stove-top part, and then didn’t put it in the oven until like an hour later, and it turned out great.  So easy!  And so yummy! 

Click the link and check it out! 

All rights reserved by Vanessence


French Onion Zucchini Bake

  • French Onion Zucchini Bake combines the amazing flavor of caramelized onions, fresh zucchini, and piles of melty gruyere cheese for a side dish that is sure to impress!  If you love French Onion, make sure to check out my homemade French Onion Soup!

    First things first, let’s talk ingredients.  You will need:

    • Zucchini – We obviously prefer to use our garden zucchini, but if you have to purchase at the supermarket, select medium-sized zucchini that are firm and feel heavy for their size. They should be green or yellow with shiny skin.
    • Yellow Onions – There are a ton of different onions to choose from, but I stick with yellow onions because they have a signature sweetness when cooked.
    • Gruyere Cheese – If you are looking to substitute this with a different cheese you want to select one that melts very easily.  I would recommend a Compte’ or Jarlsberg.
    • Butter – We use unsalted in this recipe because we prefer to adjust the salt level by adding kosher salt at the end.
    • Worchestershire Sauce
    • Beef Broth
    • Granulated Sugar
    • Thyme – Fresh thyme can be substituted for dried but you need to adjust the amount.
    • Kosher salt and freshly cracked pepper



    Baked French Onion Zucchini

    French Onion Zucchini Bake | i am baker

  • My play-along-at-home version.  🙂  #YouAreBaker


    [cross-posted on my recipes blog]

    Posted in Food, Nessipes

    Challah Back Girl

    I have no idea why a low-carb Gentile girl suddenly feels overwhelmingly compelled to make Challah bread for Shabbat, but there you go. 

    And I am beyond proud to say it turned out epic!  Whew!  Woo!

    Recipe here: Challah – Averie Cooks

    Before 2nd rise

    After 2nd rise, before baking

    After baking

    Before eating

    Ummm, you don’t want to see any pictures after that.  Winking smile

    All rights reserved by Vanessence

    cross posted on my recipes blog

    Posted in 2015 NaBloPoMo, 2015 Nano Poblano, Drafts Folder, Food

    Holiday Cooking Hacks

    Continue reading “Holiday Cooking Hacks”