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Journal Articles
Surgical treatment for epilepsy involved in motor and language areas
Pages: 204-208
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

Keyword:  EpilepsyCortical electrical stimulationMotor and language areasSurgical treatment;
Abstract: Objective To explore the strategy for the surgical treatment of epilepsy patients involved in motor and language areas,and provide the basis for improving the effect of surgical treatment of epilepsy patients in these areas.Methods Retrospective analysis of the clinical data in 12 patients who underwent surgical treatment involved in motor and language areas from2011 to 2014.The epileptogenic areas of these patients were all located by the long-term video EEG after the electrode implanted into subdural,and the important function areas were defined by cortical electrical stimulation extraoperatively with patients awake.And then epileptogenic areas were resected during operation.Results 12 patients of epilepsy all treated by operation,the postoperative complications were short-time motor aphasia and then recovered in 1,temporary mild contralateral hemiplegia occurred in 1,short-time motor aphasia and contralateral upper limb hemiplegia in 1,all parents were followed up for 6to 48 months,Engel I grade in 6cases,Engel II grade in 3cases,Engel III grade in 2cases,Engel IV grade in 1cases.Conclusion The insertion of intracranial electrode to localize both epileptogenic zone and eloquent areas can allow a maximum resection of epileptogenic areas and reserve the important brain function maximally.Intracranial electrode and cortical electrical stimulation is an effective method to decrease postoperative complications and improve the curative effect.
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