The Most Fab Or Drab Celebrity Outfits Of The Week

    You voted – here are the results.

    5. Lucy Hale At ‘Good Morning America’ In New York City

    4. Vanessa Hudgens At The Ale Launch Party In Beverly Hills

    3. Kim Kardashian Goes Shopping At Barneys In New York City

    2. Emma Watson At The “Noah” Premiere In Madrid

    1. Irina Shayk At The Gala Spa Awards In Baden-Baden, Germany

    5. Emma Roberts Goes Shopping In West Hollywood

    4. Nicole Scherzinger Steps Out In London

    3. Uma Thurman At The ‘Nymphomaniac” Screening In New York City

    2. Kat Graham At The Dream Builders Project In Beverly Hills

    1. Kelly Osbourne At The Cabo Cantina In West Hollywood