Everyone experiences a sore throat at some point, whether from a cold, allergies, or just talking too much. While these issues usually heal on their own without any medical treatment, they can be annoying and painful, so you'll naturally want relief as fast as possible. Luckily, you can soothe your throat with some simple home remedies. Steam, saltwater, tea, and certain foods can all help you feel better. If none of these work and your sore throat lasts for more than a week, then visit your doctor for further treatment.

Method 1
Method 1 of 5:

Inhaling Steam and Moisture

  1. Inhaling steam helps break up mucous and can moisten your throat. Start by filling a pot with water. Place it on the stovetop over a high flame and bring it up to a boil.[1]
    • The size of the pot doesn’t matter, as long as it’s large enough for you to put your face over.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Simple Remedy for Sore Throat
    These herbs could loosen up mucous more effectively. Squeeze a few drops of peppermint or chamomile oil into the water as it heats up to give the steam a more pleasant aroma.[2]
    • This is optional. Plain steam will also work.
    • Some other spices that might help soothe your throat are oregano, thyme, and licorice. These might not work, but they will give the water a more pleasant smell.[3]
  3. When the water boils, turn off the heat and move the pot to a new location. Place a towel or hot plate down so you don’t damage the surface, and make sure the pot is at a good height for you to lean over.[4]
    • Be careful when handling the pot. Wear oven mitts or use a towel to move it.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Simple Remedy for Sore Throat
    Lean over the pot and get as close as you can without feeling too hot. Then take some deep breaths through your nose to inhale the steam. Continue breathing for a few minutes, or until the water cools off.[5]
    • Keep a towel or tissues nearby in case mucous starts coming out of your nose during the treatment.
    • Remember that the pot is hot, so don’t touch it or you could burn yourself.
    • Do not cover your head with a towel while inhaling the steam. This could burn your face.[6]
  5. The steam from your showers will also help moisten your throat. Whenever you bathe, take some deep breaths to draw the steam into your throat.[7]
    • If you don’t have a humidifier, then sitting in a bathroom with the shower running a few times during the day can help moisten your throat.
Method 2
Method 2 of 5:

Gargling with Saltwater

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Simple Remedy for Sore Throat
    A saltwater rinse loosens mucous, kills bacteria, and soothes your throat. Start by filling a glass with warm or lukewarm water. Double-check it to make sure it’s not hot, or it could burn your mouth.[8]
    • A saltwater rinse doesn’t always produce immediate results, but it acts as an antiseptic that will eventually kill the bacteria making your throat hurt.
    • Don’t use this treatment on children younger than 6. Younger children can't gargle well and might swallow the water.[9]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Simple Remedy for Sore Throat
    Pour the salt into the water and stir it. Continue stirring until it all dissolves.[10]
    • You could also use the same amount of baking soda if you don’t have salt.[11]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Simple Remedy for Sore Throat
    Take a bit of the water into your mouth and swish it around. Then bring it to the back of your mouth and gargle for a few seconds. Spit the water into the sink and repeat the process until the glass is empty.[12]
    • Do not swallow the saltwater.
  4. Since the saltwater rinse doesn’t always produce immediate results, it could take a few treatments to soothe your throat. Repeat the same treatment every 3 hours throughout the day while your symptoms last for the best results.[13]
Method 3
Method 3 of 5:

Making Herbal Tea

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Simple Remedy for Sore Throat
    Any type of tea will work to soothe your throat, so choose one that you like. Boil a pot of water and pour it into a mug with the teabag and let it steep for 3-5 minutes.[14]
    • Some teas that fight inflammation particularly well are green, chamomile, raspberry, and peppermint. If you don’t have any of these types, others will work as well.
    • If it’s near bedtime, use a decaffeinated or herbal type so you don’t have any trouble sleeping.
    • Tea by itself will soothe your throat because it's warm and contains antioxidants, so you don’t have to add anything if you don’t want to. Adding some more ingredients will work better, though.[15]
  2. Honey naturally kills bacteria and reduces inflammation. Take 2  tsp (9.9 ml) and stir it into the tea until it dissolves.[16]
    • You could also swallow a small amount of honey plain or mix it into a glass of water for a similar effect.
    • Remember that honey has a lot of sugar, so don’t overdo it or you could add a lot of calories to your diet.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Simple Remedy for Sore Throat
    Lemon cuts through mucous, so it’s perfect if you have a wet cough or a drip in your throat. It also has vitamin C, which helps you fight infections. Cut a small slice of lemon and squeeze the juice into the tea. Add the slice as well for extra flavor.[17]
    • If you don’t feel like brewing tea, you could also squeeze lemon juice into a glass of water.
  4. Once you’ve added all your ingredients, enjoy your cup of tea. Sip and swallow it slowly so it can really soothe your throat. Have 3-4 cups throughout the day for the best effects.[18]
    • If you prefer having honey and lemon separately, then alternate which ingredient you use for each cup of tea.
    • Remember that tea contains caffeine, so switch to a decaf variety if it’s getting close to bedtime. Chamomile in particular acts as a sleep aid.
Method 4
Method 4 of 5:

Caring for Your Throat

  1. Your throat will hurt more if it dries out. Make sure you drink the standard 8-10 glasses of water or other fluids per day while you’re sick to keep your throat moistened.[19]
    • Plain water is best. You can add a bit of honey or lemon to soothe your throat more.
    • Fluids alone won’t cure your sore throat, so don’t force yourself to drink more than you normally would. Just drink enough to keep your throat moist.[20]
  2. Both warm and cold foods can help reduce sore throats, so use a mixture of each to help yourself feel better. Make sure none of these foods are very hot or they’ll irritate your throat and make the pain worse. Try to avoid hard and crunchy foods until you feel better.[21]
    • Good meal choices are soup and broth, mashed potatoes, puddings, and stew.
    • For a treat or dessert, try sucking on an ice pop.
    • Crunchy foods like crackers or chips have sharp edges that could irritate your throat further. Wait until you feel better before having these snacks.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Simple Remedy for Sore Throat
    Staying in a humid environment while your throat is sore keeps it moist and helps prevent coughing. Use a humidifier in your home until your throat pain clears up.[22]
    • If your humidifier has a section for different ingredients to scent the air, try adding some vapor rub. This can moisturize your throat and suppress a cough.[23]
    • Make sure the humidifier you use is clean, or it could send mold into the air. Also clean the filter when you’re finished using it.
  4. Smoky or dusty environments will irritate your throat and make the pain worse. Do your best to avoid these irritants while your throat hurts to prevent more pain.[24]
    • If your home is musty, try getting some fresh air to open up your lungs.
    • If you do smoke, try to quit as soon as possible. Smoking causes numerous health issues and you’ll avoid long-term damage if you quit.

Method 5
Method 5 of 5:

Seeking Medical Care

  1. While your sore throat should go away in 7-10 days, you may have a more serious condition. Fortunately, your doctor can help you get the treatment you need. Call your doctor if you have the following symptoms, which might be a sign of a more serious condition:[25]
    • A severe sore throat or 1 that lasts longer than 1 week
    • Fever higher than 101 °F (38 °C)
    • Earache
    • Blood in your mucus
    • Trouble breathing, swallowing, or opening your mouth
    • Rash
    • Hoarseness that lasts longer than 2 weeks
    • A lump in your throat
    • Swelling in your face or neck
    • If you see red or white spots in the back of your throat, along with flu-like symptoms, see a doctor right away. You may have strep throat, which requires antibiotics to treat.[26]
  2. If your child has a sore throat and their first drink of water in the morning doesn’t make it go away, it’s best to take them to a doctor. While they’re likely okay, your doctor can make sure your child doesn’t need medical treatment. They’ll review your child’s symptoms and possibly do simple in-office tests to make a diagnosis.[27]
    • Some causes of sore throat, like strep throat, are caused by a bacterial infection. If your child has an infection, they will likely need medication.
  3. While you’re likely okay, these symptoms are always considered an emergency. Visit your doctor, an urgent care center, or an emergency room to get treatment. You may be able to get a breathing treatment or medication to help you breathe better.[28]
    • It’s important that you be able to breathe properly, so don’t hesitate to see a doctor. These symptoms can quickly become more serious if you don’t treat them.
  4. Your doctor will gently swab the back of your throat to collect a culture. Then, they’ll test the swab to find out if you have a bacterial infection. This will allow them to recommend the best course of treatment to help you feel better.
    • The throat swab is a simple procedure that’s usually painless. However, you might experience some mild discomfort.
  5. If you have a viral infection, you likely won’t need medical treatment. However, your doctor may give you antibiotics if you have a bacterial infection. Talk to your doctor to learn about your treatment options.[29]
    • If natural treatments aren’t helping, you might take over-the-counter pain relievers or cold treatments.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    It feels like something is stuck in my throat like a swelling and I can feel an alot of mucus. What seems to be the problem?
    Zora Degrandpre, ND
    Zora Degrandpre, ND
    Natural Health Doctor
    Dr. Zora Degrandpre is a Natural Health Doctor and Licensed Naturopathic Physician in Vancouver, Washington. She is a grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. She received her ND from the National College of Natural Medicine in 2007.
    Zora Degrandpre, ND
    Natural Health Doctor
    Expert Answer
    Anytime you have a sore throat, there will be some swelling.  This may feel as if something is stuck in your throat.  The mucus will also feel like something is stuck in your throat. Try to drink lots of water to help dislodge the mucus.  It won't matter if you swallow the mucus--it may not sound pleasant, but it won't hurt you and the acids in your stomach will kill any germs that are in the mucus. All these symptoms are a normal response to an irritation of the throat from a virus or a bacteria.
  • Question
    Dose peppermint help with a sore throat?
    Zora Degrandpre, ND
    Zora Degrandpre, ND
    Natural Health Doctor
    Dr. Zora Degrandpre is a Natural Health Doctor and Licensed Naturopathic Physician in Vancouver, Washington. She is a grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. She received her ND from the National College of Natural Medicine in 2007.
    Zora Degrandpre, ND
    Natural Health Doctor
    Expert Answer
    Yes-- peppermint tea-- especially with a bit of lemon and honey should help a sore throat.  Peppermint tea can also help you sleep better.
  • Question
    Can you make throat lozenges without marshmallow root?
    Zora Degrandpre, ND
    Zora Degrandpre, ND
    Natural Health Doctor
    Dr. Zora Degrandpre is a Natural Health Doctor and Licensed Naturopathic Physician in Vancouver, Washington. She is a grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. She received her ND from the National College of Natural Medicine in 2007.
    Zora Degrandpre, ND
    Natural Health Doctor
    Expert Answer
    Yes, you can. If you want to, you can substitute another demulcent herb such as horehound, mullein, or psyllium powder. Use the same amounts.
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  • Get as much rest as you can. For most sore throats, your body is doing what it needs to do to fight it off. Your job is to give your immune system as much energy as possible.


  • Some other remedies for sore throats, like apple cider vinegar or essential oils, haven’t been evaluated scientifically. They aren’t dangerous, but they’re also not reliable treatments.[30]
  • Always check with your doctor before trying an herbal remedy for a sore throat. They can interact with certain prescription medications.
  • If your sore throat lasts longer than five days, see a doctor. If your voice is hoarse for over two weeks, you should also seek medical attention.[31]
  • If a sore throat is accompanied by difficulty breathing, swallowing, or opening the mouth, see a physician promptly. Other symptoms that suggest a need for medical help include joint pain, earache, rash, a fever over {{convert|101, a lump in the neck, or blood in the saliva phlegm. If your sore throat recurs often, this is another sign you should get checked by a professional.[32]
  • If a child has a sore throat for longer than two to three days, has difficulty swallowing, has a rash, earache, or has a fever, call the child’s physician.[33]

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  1. https://share.upmc.com/2014/12/sore-throat-relief-home-remedies/
  2. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/sore-throat-remedies-that-actually-work/
  3. https://share.upmc.com/2014/12/sore-throat-relief-home-remedies/
  4. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/sore-throat-remedies-that-actually-work/
  5. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/sore-throat-remedies-that-actually-work/
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31450579
  7. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/sore-throat-remedies-that-actually-work/
  8. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/sore-throat-remedies-that-actually-work/
  9. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/sore-throat-remedies-that-actually-work/
  10. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/sore-throat-remedies-that-actually-work/
  11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279542/
  12. https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/ears-nose-and-throat/sore-throat
  13. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22220223/
  14. https://www.pennmedicine.org/updates/blogs/health-and-wellness/2018/february/sore-throat
  15. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/8274-sore-throat-pharyngitis
  16. https://osteopathic.org/what-is-osteopathic-medicine/sore-throat/
  17. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/4602-strep-throat
  18. https://raisingchildren.net.au/guides/a-z-health-reference/sore-throat
  19. https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/ears-nose-and-throat/sore-throat
  20. https://www.cdc.gov/antibiotic-use/sore-throat.html
  21. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/sore-throat-remedies-that-actually-work/
  22. https://osteopathic.org/what-is-osteopathic-medicine/sore-throat/
  23. https://www.cdc.gov/antibiotic-use/sore-throat.html
  24. http://familydoctor.org/familydoctor/en/health-tools/search-by-symptom/fever-infants-children.html

About this article

Zora Degrandpre, ND
Co-authored by:
Natural Health Doctor
This article was co-authored by Zora Degrandpre, ND. Dr. Zora Degrandpre is a Natural Health Doctor and Licensed Naturopathic Physician in Vancouver, Washington. She is a grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. She received her ND from the National College of Natural Medicine in 2007. This article has been viewed 799,640 times.
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Updated: May 11, 2022
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