1. This maybe-actually-a-bear pup.

2. This belly-baring bro.

3. This swaddled sweetie.

4. This alert gentleman.

5. This king of nap-time face.
6. This ultra-dramatic dog.
7. This posing professional.
8. This pudgy princess.
9. This chill chow-baby.
10. This blue-tongued buddy.
11. This closely guarded napper.
12. This bedtime beauty.
13. This little sleeper who is totally unaware of Mom and Dad kissing.
14. These precious paws.
15. This hardcore ball-buster.
16. This pile of chub.
17. This cherubic face.
18. This guy who wants a new perspective.
19. This dude who has no idea what happened, Officer.
20. This pouty prince.
21. This startled snuggler.
22. This bossy-britches.
23. This super chill bro.
24. This focused fuzz.
25. This new homeowner.
26. This creative sitter.
28. This scrunched-up sir.
29. This monochromatic mister.
30. This posture-perfect pal.
31. These excellent excuses for not leaving the house.
... You are now allowed to freak out about the fuzzies.