Why We Need To Save The Scottish Wildcats


    Scottish Wildcats are awesome. They look almost exactly like cats but with a more intense resting face.

    But they're also adorable, like painfully so.

    Up until the 1950s, they were thought to be man killers.

    They're actually (well obviously) the ancestors of our domestic pet cats...

    ... but there are FEWER THAN 400 left in the wild.

    They were once found across the British mainland but are now only found in the Scottish Highlands. It's actually more rare to see a Scottish Wildcat than a Bengali tiger.

    Still, wildcats are the most abundant wild cat species from the Western Europe to India.

    They're Britain's only large remaining wild predator.

    Their numbers are dwindling because humans are the worst. The wildcats are also breeding with domestic cats.

    In the 1800s and 1900s, thousands of wildcats were killed as pests.

    And since 2007, there have been about 1500 wildcat sightings.

    Have I mentioned they're really cute as kittens?

    Unfortunately, due to lack of funding, the biggest Scottish Wildcat awareness group dissolved in 2013.

    Still, their fate is pretty dire.

    To wrap things up...

    SAVE ME!!!