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    Emma Stone And Andrew Garfield Have Split Up

    Broken heart emojis for days.

    Back in April, the lovely, happy world as we knew it ended when it was reported that Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield were taking a break from their perfect relationship.

    But then, a month later, we were offered a shining beacon of hope in the form of paparazzi photos of the couple shopping together. We were reassured. All was OK with the world once more.

    But now, heartbreak has hit again. Because the couple aren't just on a break any more: They're 100% over.

    According to reports from US Weekly, the pair officially split a couple of months ago:

    They still have a lot of love for one another and they are on good terms with each another and remain close ... It just wasn't working.

    RIP, Stonefield. 💔😭💔😭💔😭