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    The 37 Steps Of Going No 'Poo

    No 'Poo is a method of washing your hair without traditional shampoo or conditioner. If you've ever been tempted to try No 'Poo, you've probably experienced something like this.

    1. You're really sick of how your hair has been behaving lately.

    2. And good shampoo and conditioner is so expensive!

    3. And your friend with fabulous hair tells you how awesome No 'Poo is.

    4. So you hit up the internet to research it further.

    5. And tons of bloggers give No 'Poo a good thumbs up.

    6. And they all have gorgeous hair.

    7. So you figure "What the hell, I'll give it a shot."

    8. And you buy all the ingredients.

    9. And you try No 'Poo for the first time.

    10. First, you're not sure how you feel about it.

    11. But you've read that you need to give it a few weeks, so...

    12. You try it again.

    13. And again.

    14. And again.

    15. But your hair looks TERRIBLE.

    16. You stick with it for a while but it just gets worse.

    17. You try to tame your hair with tons of products.

    18. And you even start to worry that people are making fun of your hair behind your back.

    19. You're full of regret.

    20. You get really, really down on yourself.

    21. You think about chopping off your hair.

    22. Or even shaving your head.

    23. You consider hats...

    24. Or even a wig.

    25. 4 or 5 weeks go by...

    26. You're just about to throw in the towel.

    27. You give it one last shot.

    28. You cross your fingers that your hair will finally look decent...

    29. You dry off...

    30. And OH. EM. GEE.

    31. Your hair looks INCREDIBLE.

    32. It's so soft!

    33. And shiny!

    34. Everyone notices how awesome you look.

    35. You're saving a ton of money.

    36. You've never felt prettier.

    37. And life is awesome.