El Chupacabra
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10 Reviews
April 25, 2020
I used Bombay Sapphire Gin instead of tequila, Campari instead of cynar and had no cucumber. Just used a little sugar instead of syrup. I think I would have liked the cucumber. Adult and tasty!
Cindy R.
September 27, 2014
My friends and I love this drink! I made it for Cinco de Mayo and it has since become the drink of the summer.
February 7, 2013
LOL...I must admit I only clicked on the link because of the catchy name. I have no idea what half of the components to this drink are so it i a must try!! Being familiar with the Chupacabra story makes it a plus...hee hee
July 11, 2010
Ha! The name makes me giggle. And I've never heard of Cynar, so that's worth the price of admission right there. Thanks for the education!
August 18, 2009
What a fabulous sounding drink, and the name is delightful. Cheers!
Amanda H.
July 10, 2009
Hi Janeymax, do you want to enter this in the summer cocktail contest? Or did you try to and have a problem? Let us know! (And sounds great, by the way) - Amanda
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