Empowering Empire Avenue New UsersEmpire Avenue can be a lot of fun. It can help you connect with influential people in social media and your niche. It can amplify your social media efforts.

Instead of learning how to do all that by trial and error, here are 12 tips you can use to get off to a phenomenal start on Empire Avenue.

1) Complete your entire profile
The more open you are with other EAv users, the more people will connect with you and invest in you. Use your real name. Fill out the bio. Upload a profile pic, preferably something that includes your face rather than a logo or icon.

2) Connect all your networks
Connect all the social networks and blogs you’re currently using.

3) Consistently engage on EAv + 4 networks
Generally speaking, the higher your dividend the more others will invest in you. Your dividend is based on your activity and network score of your top 5 networks. So, the best way to grow your dividend is to be consistently engaging in at least 5 social networks. Empire Avenue should be one of your top 5.

I don’t advocate jumping on a social network just to raise your EAv dividend, but if the only social network you use right now is Facebook, this might be the incentive you need to get intentional about using Twitter and G+.

A little insider secret, you can increase your dividend and network score for Instagram very quickly with very little effort. See How to Rock Empire Avenue with Instagram.

4) Connect with the EAv users who invest in you on other networks
One of the primary benefits of EAv is relationships developed. You can strengthen those relationships by connecting with other Eavers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

Create an Empire Avenue Twitter list, Facebook list, and G+ circle. Check it at least once a day for content to share and opportunities to interact. When you friend/follow, share, and otherwise engage with other EAv users in other social networks it not only strengthens those relationships but also increases your network scores and dividends.

5) Invest small amounts in those who invest in you
When you first start on EAv, you get bombarded with investors buying 200 shares a piece and then more than 1,000 after the first week. There’s no way you can match, and nobody expects you to. But your investors will appreciate it if you invest in at least a few shares.

6) When you invest, post a shout
Each time you invest, post a shout to that person’s profile. It puts your name and face in front of them.

7) Use portfolio management tools
If you’re not careful you can end up spending hours a day managing your portfolio. Portfolio management tools Avenue.io and http://dr-dittrich.de/eav/eav.pl provide huge time savings. Explaining how to use the tools and specific investment strategies is beyond the scope of this post, but with a few clicks you can invest in dozens of users according to your investment goals (top yielding stocks, those who have invest in you, most active users, and more)

8) Do missions to earn more eaves
Pretty self-explanatory. 🙂

9) Invest in new users
The best ROI (return on investment) in Empire Avenue comes fom investing in “recent arrivals” (new users) whose share price often doubles (or more) on the first day. That can be rather time-consuming, though. A second option is to invest in the new users with the best dividends on their second day. You can get a list of these “Top New Users” every day on this blog.

10) Clarify why you’re using EAv
It’s very easy to get caught up in the “game” of Empire Avenue – growing your dividend, share price or wealth, tracking your position on the leaderboards. That’s fine if you’re just on Empire Avenue for the fun of it. But if you’re using EAv to grow your business, raise awareness of a cause or network with others, make sure what you’re doing on EAv aligns with your larger goals.

For example, missions are a great way to reward people for connecting with you on a social network or sharing your content or site. If that’s your goal, don’t get so caught up on trying to make the wealth leaderboard that you refuse to spend eaves on missions.

11) Consider paying for missions and/or eaves
Some people spent their first 3-6 months on Empire Avenue building their portfolio and dividend before they feel like they have enough daily income to run missions. If you’re using EAv to grow your business or non-profit, do you really want to wait that long before you begin to see results?

Time is money. You can speed up the process and get results immediately by buying eaves from Empire Avenue or paying a veteran EAver like me to run missions on your behalf. If you’re considering either of these options, contact me and I can give you additional guidance.

12) Meet other Empire Avenue users & ask questions in the Empower New Empire Avenue Users Facebook group

Comments?  Questions? Any additional tips for new Empire Avenue users?