Don't Take This Vitamin: A Load of Hogwash

Actually, if you ate properly, you won't need any!
But who has the time, energy or resources to get the perfect food, just like they are supposed to be?
First, food isn't what it was a hundred years ago. Factory farming and unsustainable practices have led to our soils being depleted of natural vitamins and minerals. 
Soil wasn't meant to grow the same thing over and over again for decades with only a chemical fertilizer. You can only take so much out of the soil before it dies.
And it is dying. Much of the great plains are so depleted of nutrients, crop yields are dwindling and farmers, who have had generations on the same land, are going broke. 
Crops just aren't growing as tall, strong or healthy. Sometimes, there isn't enough nutrient to grow at all.
That means the food has the bare minimum require to live. The bare minimum means smaller fruits, stringier flesh and less taste. It means we can't get the nutrients out of our foods we used to.
Smaller farms are doing better. They know, and have always known, you do not grow the same stuff over and over again. 
You need to let the soil rest every couple of years. That's why small farms are still producing healthy, vibrant crops packed with nutrients.
That's why you should be shopping at the farmer's markets for all your vegetables and fruits. It's fresh, tasty and cheaper.
If you get the stuff in the grocery stores, it is already several days to several weeks old. It may have been frozen, gassed or even irradiated to keep it looking perfect. 
Looks are what matters in the grocery store, not taste, health or viability. Plus they charge more because they have to pay the middle man.
This is all if you are eating lots of fruits and vegetables. When you add meats, you should have the same ideas in mind: shop local.
Local farms, with small amounts of animals, can allow their animals to live a low-stress, free lifestyle where they eat lots of natural grasses and weeds and wander around getting exercise. The meat is healthier, richer, and actually tastes like meat.
The grocery stores carries the cheapest, most uniform meats. It comes from factory farms. These warehouses are often cited for inhumane treatment of animals and unhygienic processes. The animals are force fed, loaded with medications and growth hormones and produce a tasteless, unhealthy meat. But it's cheap.
Pound for pound, you get better quality, nutrition and taste from a small, local operation. Dollar for dollar, you get more satisfaction and quality. 
Yes, it does cost more to buy local, from a butcher, but you save because you are healthier and need less to be happy and satisfied.
Have you ever added up what it costs to buy pre-packaged foods? Many have and found the 10 minutes of extra work to make it yourself saves average of $3 per serving. That can be $12 per meal for a family of 4. That can be $100 per week!
What you pay extra for is the cardboard, plastic and water. And the middleman. And the chemical preservatives.
Every single time, you will find making it yourself and buying local will save you money and give you health. As a perfect example, I feed myself, my husband and a 13-year-old boy on $60 per week! Only half is spent at the grocery store for things like toilet paper and rice.
Christina Major is the Naturopathic Doctor and Holistic Nutritionist of Crystal Holistic Health Consulting. 
Crystal Holistic Health helps people, especially women, who have Type II Diabetes, High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure lower their numbers, get off medication and increase their energy so they can save money, take back control of their lives and improve the health and happiness of their families. 
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