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Di María beaming about Paris prospects

"I train every day with a smile on my face," Ángel Di María told UEFA.com as he discussed Paris Saint-Germain, Zlatan Ibrahimović and going back to the Santiago Bernabéu.

Ángel Di María (R) after scoring Paris's opener against Malmö last week
Ángel Di María (R) after scoring Paris's opener against Malmö last week ©AFP/Getty Images

Man of the match in Real Madrid's 2014 UEFA Champions League final win, Ángel Di María returned to the competition with a goal in Paris Saint-Germain's 2-0 win against Malmö last week. He talks to UEFA.com about Paris, Lionel Messi, Zlatan Ibrahimović and an imminent return to the Santiago Bernabéu.

UEFA.com: You were named Man of the Match as Real Madrid beat Atlético in the 2014 final in Lisbon; what do you remember about lifting the trophy?

Ángel Di María: It is incredible – it's something you will never forget. And the minutes after we scored the third goal, knowing that it would soon be our trophy, were just phenomenal. To lift it up and have it in your hands having won it – that produces a lot of goosebumps. You certainly want to experience that moment again.  

UEFA.com: You are back in the UEFA Champions League with Paris; did you miss the competition during your time at Manchester United?

Di María: Yes, I missed it a lot, actually. Last year was pretty difficult for me – I couldn't play and my injury was really complicated. Not being able to compete in the Champions League after having won it made it a pretty tough time for me.

Di María had a difficult season at Old Trafford
Di María had a difficult season at Old Trafford©Getty Images

UEFA.com: How have you settled in at your new club?

Di María: It's really nice here. I train every day with a smile on my face – I'm happy to be here, and I have been settling in well with my team-mates. Paris is a really nice city. My family has felt very good here from the first day they arrived. That makes it a lot easier for me to focus on football.

From the day I arrived here, I could see the quality of the players here and the ambition they have to win [the competition] – the desire they show in every training session and in every match. We all have the same ambition and desire to fight for it. And I think that with the players here we can achieve it.

UEFA.com: How do you feel about taking on Real Madrid in the group stage?

Di María: When I knew I would be moving to Paris, I said to my wife that I was sure we would draw Real Madrid. I don't know how the people there will welcome me, but we won the Décima and many other titles together, and in my last match – against Atlético Madrid – the fans gave me a standing ovation when they knew I was leaving to go to Manchester. I think it will be really nice to return to the Bernabéu. If I score, I won't celebrate. Everything I achieved with that club is still in my heart.

UEFA.com: How has it been playing alongside Zlatan Ibrahimović?

Di María: I have played with Leo [Lionel Messi], Cristiano [Ronaldo], [Wayne] Rooney, and now I have the chance to play with Ibra. I'd never realised how good he is, all the moves he has, despite him being so tall. I was very surprised, honestly, from the day I arrived. So hopefully we'll get along well, because I think he has a lot of quality and a lot to bring to this team.

UEFA.com: You mentioned Lionel Messi. What are your thoughts on him?

Di María: There are no words to describe Leo. The only thing I can say, leaving trophies and football aside, is that he is a great person and a great friend. And I believe that everything he's achieved, he's achieved because he enjoys it – playing the way he likes to, and showing the way he is. The way he is on the pitch is how he is off the pitch: a calm guy, a very good person. And he has very much deserved everything he has won.

©AFP/Getty Images

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