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Watch a Pancake-Drawing Robot in Action

DIY pancake houses are officially a thing, so designer Miguel Valenzuela takes things one step further with the PancakeBot, basically a motorized batter-dispensing "printer" that draws intricate designs atop a hot griddle. The first iteration of the PancakeBot was made of LEGOs but functioned like a breakfast-loving CNC router, using a motor and two pneumatic valves to control the flow of batter.

The new version, which will officially debut this weekend at the Bay Area Maker Faire, is more complex, using stepper motors, two belt drives, and a vaccuum pump for "better batter control," resulting in crazy Eiffel Tower pancakes like the ones above. Go, watch:

Video: The New PancakeBot

· The New PancakeBot [YouTube via LaughingSquid]
· All Robot Coverage on Eater [-E-]
· All Pancake Coverage on Eater [-E-]