Ricardo Lopez Ortiz


Who likes GIFS? I know I do! So here’s a process GIF for Expatriate page 1 from layouts to finished black and white with tones. I think we’ll end up adding color to Expatriate, but for now black and white is just fine.

Also, as a bonus enjoy the first page of Expatriate, that’s all you get for now. :)

I made a GIF for the Expat tumblr. Hope you all dig it. PROCESS!!

  • 12 notes
  • 10 years ago
  • Apr 16, 2014
    1. ronearl reblogged this from expatriatecomic-blog and added:
      Chris Irvin’s Expatriate WIP.
    2. tropakanina reblogged this from rlopezortiz
    3. rlopezortiz reblogged this from expatriatecomic-blog and added:
      I made a GIF for the Expat tumblr. Hope you all dig it. PROCESS!!
    4. expatriatecomic-blog posted this