This article was co-authored by Sarah Stearns. Sarah Stearns is a DIY Specialist, Artist, Maker, Blogger, and the Founder of With over ten years of experience, she specializes in fun, approachable crafts like crocheting, making polymer clay jewelry, quilting, and creating Cricut projects. Her work has been featured in several publications, such as Scientific American, Good Housekeeping, Vox, and Apartment Therapy. Sarah holds a BA in Psychology from Vanderbilt University.
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The double crochet is one of the most basic and useful stitches in crochet. Once you've mastered it--and it won't take long--you can put it to use in creating sweaters, afghans, shawls, home décor items and lots of other projects.
Things You Should Know
- Pull the yarn over the hook from the back to the front, then insert your hook into the stitch closest to the hook.
- Wrap the yarn over the hook again, then carry it through the closest stitch. Then repeat, this time bringing the yarn through the first 2 stitches.
- Wrap the yarn over the hook once more, then bring it through the last 2 loops on the hook.
Yarn over the hook (yo) from back to front.
Insert your crochet hook to the desired stitch. Typically, you will be making your stitch in the hole closest to your crochet hook, or, if you started with a foundation chain, the fourth one. Look to your pattern to be sure.[1]Advertisement
Yarn over the hook (yo) and gently carry the wrapped yarn through the stitch. In other words, pull it through the loop now on your hook. You will now have three (3) loops on your hook.[2]
Yarn over the hook (yo) and draw your yarn through the first two (2) loops on your hook.[3]
Yarn over the hook (yo) and draw your yarn through the last two (2) loops on the hook.[4]
You have completed one (1) U.S. double crochet (dc) stitch. There should be one (1) loop left on your hook.[5]
Insert your crochet hook to the desired stitch. Typically, you will be making your stitch in the hole closest to your crochet hook, or, if you started with a foundation chain, the second one. Look to your pattern to be sure.
Yarn over your hook (yo) and rotate the throat of the hook toward you.
Pull the hook with the wrapped yarn through the stitch. You should now have two (2) loops on your hook.[6]
Yarn over your hook (yo) again and draw the hook with the wrapped yarn through both loops on the hook.
You've now created one (1) U.K. double crochet; there should be one (1) loop left on your hook.
Community Q&A
QuestionHow can I keep my tensions when I am crocheting?Community AnswerTry to have the ingoing yarn as tight as you can when you finish the stitch; it will pull out the excess and give you tighter crocheting. Practice makes perfect.
QuestionWhen starting a pattern, how can I tell if it is a US version or a UK one?LibraryMouseCommunity AnswerHere are some tips: If it uses the term treble crochet, it is a UK pattern. If it uses the terms single crochet or half-double crochet, it is a US pattern. Take a look at the picture for clues. Read the pattern all the way through; the designer might say which it is. Look for words the two countries spell differently, such as "color" (US) and color UK).
QuestionHow do I do a half double crochet stitch?Community AnswerYarn over, insert hook into stitch, yarn over, draw hook back through the stitch, yarn over again and draw all the loops through the last yarn over.
A foundation chain for a US Double Crochet should be three stitches, while one for a UK Double Crochet would be only one stitch.Thanks
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About This Article
To do a double crochet, first yarn over your hook from back to front. Then, insert the hook into the stitch where you want to do the double crochet. Yarn over the hook again, then pull the yarn through the stitch. You should now have 3 loops of yarn on your hook. Yarn over a third time and pull the yarn through the first 2 loops on the hook. Then, yarn over again and pull the new yarn through the last 2 loops on the hook. Once you complete the double crochet stitch, there should be 1 loop of yarn left on your hook. To find out how to do a UK double crochet stitch, read on!
Reader Success Stories
"The article helped me because I am so confused as a beginner. It repeated the steps in slow motion so I was able to practice with the demo. Thanks, I am going to continue on my stitches now."..." more