Happy Anniversary! 

One year ago Michael, Hank and I collectively hit the “publish” button on our first official episode of The Brain Scoop and have yet to look back. This last year has been such a complete whirlwind, between our first news feature to moving to Chicago and starting work at The Field Museum, traveling to Kenya and filming bats with FM curators and planning for more adventures in the coming months. WHO KNEW.

When I started this I had no idea what I was getting myself into, and while my expectations certainly weren’t low they were cautious at best. I figured I would fall into a niche audience of non-scientists who just might harbor a new appreciation for the natural world after watching a few videos. To my absolute astonishment and amazement, The Brain Scoop continues to be shared by everyone from children to established scientists and researchers, museum professionals and artists and just about anyone in any age range or profession. The demographics defy expectations and the enthusiasm of the audience has been humbling. I’m reminded of the impact every day from your incredibly generous letters and comments, the art you brilliantly design, the thoughtful notes and posts you write in encouragement. 

I’ll never forget the first time someone recognized me from my work online - I was stopped in the Missoula Target in the middle of buying toilet paper. I can’t remember the woman’s name but I remember how her face lit up and she excitedly asked me are you Emily from The Brain Scoop? I’ve never been so proud and embarrassed at the same time; although she didn’t seem to care I was purchasing personal toiletries it was kind of the first time I realized my life would never be the same. 

Thank you all for taking me across the country and around the world. I fear I’ll never be able to fully express my gratitude, but I vow to continue making educational videos in whatever capacity I can as long as my wheels keep turning and there’s still more to learn. This show has taught me a new appreciation for the world and its people, the value of community, the gratification of knowledge and education.

Thank you for the best year of my life, from the bottom of my heart!


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