Full US Trailer for Sci-Fi Adaptation 'The 5th Wave' with Chloe Moretz
by Alex Billington
September 15, 2015
Source: YouTube
"The others have the ability to inhabit human hosts. They could be anywhere..." Sony Pictures has debuted an official US trailer for the new sci-fi adaptation The 5th Wave, directed by J Blakeson, starring Chloe Moretz as Cassie Sullivan. The film is about an alien invasion of our planet, and the "5th wave" alludes to the progressive waves of their invasion, with the final one being when they apparently finally take over. The other four waves are shown/explained in the trailer. The cast includes Liev Schreiber, Maika Monroe, Nick Robinson, Maggie Siff, Maria Bello, Ron Livingston, Alex Roe & Tony Revolori. This looks okay, but I'm still keeping my expectations very low. "This is our world. Our only choice is to take it back."
Here's the new official US trailer (+ poster) for J Blakeson's The 5th Wave, direct from Sony's YouTube:
You can still watch the international "sneak peek" trailer for The 5th Wave here. Follow @5thWaveMovie.
In the new film The 5th Wave, four waves of increasingly deadly extra-terrestrial attacks have left most of Earth decimated. Cassie (Chloë Grace Moretz) is on the run, desperately trying to save her younger brother. The 5th Wave is directed by English filmmaker J Blakeson, of the films The Disappearance of Alice Creed and the short The Appointment previously. The screenplay is written by Susannah Grant (of Erin Brockovich), adapted from Rick Yancey's novel of the same name. Sony Pictures will release The 5th Wave in select theaters on January 15th, 2016 early next year. For more updates follow @5thWaveMovie.
Oh great, another one of these. Trailer looks horrible and the plot has been done ten times already. Twilight with Aliens?
Panzerknecker on Sep 15, 2015
I can't quite pinpoint exactly why I have no interest in this, maybe there's just too many reasons.
BNN667 on Sep 15, 2015
Could be a fun January movie. Zero expectations going in
rickvanr on Sep 15, 2015
Into the half of the trailer I thought this could be something, but than it becomes a girlie movie.... Maybe i will download it ...
ari smulders on Sep 15, 2015
I like your comment because this seems to be so much European reaction to it ... I won't disclose what made me think that, but I do hope you'll realize where I am getting at ...
shiboleth on Sep 15, 2015
U made it all the way to the middle of the trailer ?
Tester on Sep 17, 2015
hahaha it wasn't that bad 🙂
ari smulders on Sep 17, 2015
While at first I was like "hmm, a YA SF film", upon reading the reviews on Amazon & synopsis on Wikipedia... Color me intrigued. It has some adult-level issues at play even if the main protags are pre-teens to teens.
VAharleywitch on Sep 15, 2015
Oh, come on, I wanna see some real aliens ...
shiboleth on Sep 15, 2015
I'm so tired of things like "the others."
Lar Rackell on Sep 15, 2015
This might have been watchable in the 2000s (somewhere between The Day After Tomorrow and District 9). But now?
Terry Craig on Sep 15, 2015
I liked the other one better...
DAVIDPD on Sep 15, 2015
Looks terrible
Firefly15 on Sep 15, 2015
Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner and now this...they all seem like the same freaken formula...I need to create one of this silly books about a young kid who somehow "gets chosen" and then trains.
Venom on Sep 15, 2015
"They took everything from me" - but not my bleech (& time) to keep my teeth WHITE !! even after disease was spread across the world....?!?!?
Frank Engelhardt on Sep 15, 2015
Looks really stupid.Shame,i like very much LS and Moretz. Have this "The Darkest Hour" vibe,and despite Hirsch-no good.
Maxim Karagogov on Sep 16, 2015
I think Chloe Moretz is uniquely hot... but that's not enough to get my wallet out... looks so "been there done that"
Bill on Sep 16, 2015
Dude, she is only 18 years old you perv
Tester on Sep 17, 2015
So are many Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler models. What are you, 80?
Bill on Sep 17, 2015
Hey, its legal so who am I to say.. Carry on
Tester on Sep 17, 2015
straight to DVD... first clue to a crappy sci-fi is either the aliens are Invisible or they "take over" the human body..
nomad82 on Sep 17, 2015
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