'Batman vs. Superman' Adds Yet Another Hero: Ray Fisher as Cyborg

April 24, 2014
Source: Variety

Cyborg / Ray Fisher

If having Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman in the same Man of Steel sequel just wasn't enough, the film that has been frequently referred to as Batman vs. Superman has just gotten another staple superhero added into the mix. Variety has word that after testing actors over the past two weeks, Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment have cast stage actor Ray Fisher in the role of Victor Stone, aka Cyborg, a robotic member of Justice League in the comic books. However, it doesn't sound like the role will be all that significant in the sequel, and will lead into a bigger part as the studio builds their own comic book universe.

This is one of those roles and character appearances that we wish would have stayed secret until the film hit theaters, because keen comic book fans would have clearly known who Victor Stone is, even if he's not actually Cyborg in the film at this point. In fact, David S. Goyer pointed out, shortly after Man of Steel hit theaters, that S.T.A.R. Labs was mentioned in the film, and a special feature has Henry Cavill talking about the potential for that to be integral to the future of the franchise.

For those who don't know, Cyborg a cybernetically enhanced human who was a member of the Teen Titans for a long time, but in more recent comic book series he has become a founding member of the Justice League. We're not familiar with Fisher's work (though he also tested for Star Wars: Episode VII), so we don't know what to expect, but it's just one more interesting detail in this developing comic book sequel. Maybe Martian Manhunter will be hinted as well? The Flash has already been tipped to make an appearance in some form too. We just hope this is all done carefully and with some respect for the source material without sacrificing substance for a gimmick. Stay tuned for any more updates. Thoughts on Cyborg?


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They are throwing way too much shit into this film. Ok, accepting Ben Affleck as batman was tough enough, then they're like "hope you left room for dessert!(Wonder Woman)." Now it's cyborg, and oh even flash was in the mix somewhere in here? This is Batman vs Superman featuring the justice League with a special appearance by Mark Zuckerberg.

Corey Rooney on Apr 24, 2014


Calm the fuck down man. The guy could just play a cameo or maybe a small part or perhaps just a window to something later. Doesnt mean hes gonna have a whole segment. The movie doesnt come out for another year or so, so just be patient. Theres gonna be a lot more stuff they're going to be throwing at us. Wait to judge till after the movie.

Rock n Rollllll on Apr 24, 2014


Maybe he'll just walk on screen and say something like, "Does anyone have a phone charger I can borrow?" Then he'll walk off screen... It's not until the sequel that we'll learn he actually needed the charger to recharge his own batteries, and that explains why he sat out for the rest of the first movie....

TheOct8pus on Apr 25, 2014


HA......yeah maybe he'll just be in the background buying something at Radioshack.

Rock n Rollllll on Apr 25, 2014


I agree Rock n Rollllll! Fans should calm down at the moment. Everyone is freaking out over a few casting decisions. Like, can we not even wait for the first teaser or trailer before saying "Batman Forever will be better than this junk"?

Jesse on May 2, 2014


Way too much? It's going to be like a 2 hour 45 minute movie anyway. Oh no we've got three heroes and one villain there can't possibly be any more room. The avengers was pretty good with screen time split between ten characters. I trust zack just as much as joss.

Jon Odishaw on Apr 24, 2014


"I trust zack just as much as joss." Good-bye credibility.

si1ver on Apr 25, 2014


It's easy to have a good track record when you've directed like two movies. So zack had Some off films but he's made Some masterpieces too.

Jon Odishaw on Apr 25, 2014


This is unfortunately starting to sound like the "Iron Man 2" of superhero sequels.

Cocaino Weaver on Apr 24, 2014


dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Lin Group on Apr 24, 2014


Snyder did a great job with man of steele but let superman fight against batman I don't get!

Avi on Apr 24, 2014


I thought Man of Steel was garbage. I never want to see another skyscraper get destroyed for the rest of my life.

Astroboy3000 on Apr 25, 2014


Here is what WB should have clearly done: 2015: Man of Steel 2 (Without the extra characters) and Wonder Woman Solo movie. Then 2016: Batman Reboot with Ben Affleck and Flash Solo Movie. 2017: Green Lantern Reboot and Cyborg Solo movie. 2018: Martian Manhunter Solo movie and Batman Reboot Sequel. 2019: Man of Steel 3(Sets up Justice League villain) and Aquaman Solo movie. 2020: Justice League and any other character movie. 2021: Wonder Woman sequel and Green Lantern sequel. 2022: Flash sequel and any other character movie. 2023: Teen Titans movie?

Cocaino Weaver on Apr 24, 2014


What WB should have clearly done is actually set out to create a Cinematic Universe that was actually connected. They never did that, and now they are trying to rush into it. WB/DC is not releasing a single film in 2014 or 2015. That in and of itself shows a mistake in planning.

dsjj251 on Apr 24, 2014


Anyone defending this clearly doesn't understand WB's own foolishness. For how many damn years they have had DC comic characters under their own roof. They could have been way ahead of Marvel by now if they thought carefully while Marvel had all these characters split up at different studios. Oh yeah they see Marvel's success now and are like, "WE NEED TO CATCH UP FAST!". I am highly disappointed in the idea for Batman vs Superman so early when they barely developed their new version of Superman in Man of Steel. We could have had a Wonder Woman film and so many great cinematic projects.

Cocaino Weaver on Apr 25, 2014


Calm your tits.

Rock n Rollllll on Apr 25, 2014


Too early to tell why decisions are being made. Will wait to pass judgement till next year when puzzle pieces come together a little better

Rock n Rollllll on Apr 24, 2014


i always thought he was the lamest looking cyborg i've ever seen.

Astroboy3000 on Apr 25, 2014


You can't just throw Cyborg in like that. He needs an origin film, or at least an extended origin story. If they're not going to do an origin film for him, they might as well throw Robocop into the mix instead.

TheOct8pus on Apr 25, 2014


that's after Batman. Superman vs Robocop.

Astroboy3000 on Apr 25, 2014


Fuck it!! Just change the title of the film to Justice League already. This is getting out of hand. Doesn't feel like a "Batman/Superman movie anymore. And while they are at it, throw Matt Damon into the mix as Robin.

Mario Morales on Apr 25, 2014


How can this be good. It will take a miracle.

DAVIDPD on Apr 27, 2014


Honestly, I'm glad Cyborg has been added to the lineup. It's just like The New 52 Comics. I wouldn't say Cyborg is the brains behind the JL but he does handle all the "specs" so Martian Man-Hunter can actually fight. Martian Man-Hunter has so many abilities that I feel like most writers kinda let me down when I wanna see him in some action. The New 52 has done a pretty solid job though. Whether we see Cyborg all suited up or just Victor Stone I think it'll be executed properly. I really feel as Snyder is just gonna have him in the film, so brief, that it'll just be a "throwing of a bone" to the fans. Thoughts???

Jesse on May 2, 2014

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