11. "Never Never" (2013)
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Watered-down, late-era Korn. With dubstep in the bridge.
10. "Love & Meth" (2013)
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I didn't actually watch this one but great title, right?
9. "Make Me Bad" (1999)
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Korn's most expensive video, from the last gasp of the music video era, starring Brigitte Nielsen.
8. "Falling Away From Me" (1999)
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I mean...it won a VMA.
7. "A.D.I.D.A.S." (1996)
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Blowing many a 12-year-old mind with the wonders of acronyms.
6. "Thoughtless" (2002)
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This video stars Aaron Paul. Nuff said.
5. "Freak on a Leash" (1998)
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The best part of any Korn song is the breakdown where Jonathan Davis growls gibberish.
4. "Got the Life" (1998)
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Velour tracksuits. What else do you need?
3. "All in the Family" Korn and Limp Bizkit (fan video, 2006)
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"Simple, home-made video for All In The Family, as performed by KoRn & Limp Bizkit.
The option to comment has been removed, because I'm tired of idiots with no lives acting tough on the internet."
And that's all you really need to know.
2. "Blind" (1994)
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A fantastic time capsule from 1994, when rap-rock was pure, innocent, and just about the music.
1. Shucking Corn – Clean Ears Every Time No Music 2 (2004)
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Ken brings the literal heat, showing you how to microwave perfect Korn in just four minutes.