This Infographic Proves The Oscars' Diversity Issues Are Worse Than You Thought

The Oscars' Diversity Issues In One Infographic

It doesn't take stat-crunching to realize the Oscars have some diversity issues, but if there was ever any doubt, Lee & Low Books has produced an infographic that verifies our long-standing complaints. It's hard to pinpoint which statistic is the most damning, but let's try this one: Of the more than 6,000 Academy voters, only 6 percent aren't white. That's a paltry 360 members.

"The numbers do not surprise me because very few Academy Award-level films with non-white leads are being greenlit," Gina Prince-Bythewood ("Love & Basketball," "The Secret Life of Bees") told Lee & Low during an accompanying Q&A with several minority Hollywood insiders. "Until this changes, the abysmal numbers will not change. The box office drives which films get greenlit. The hope is that with this year’s success of a variety of films with African-American leads, Hollywood will be more open to taking chances."

Check out the full infographic below.

oscar diversity

[via Lee & Low]

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