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Use Google Docs' Resume Templates for a Free, Good-Looking Resume

It's no secret that your resume shouldn't just be a list of old jobs—it needs to be visually appealing as well, within reason. Many use Microsoft Word to get the job done, but if you don't have it (or can't afford it because seriously, you're looking for a job), Google Docs has some great resume templates too.

Over at How-To Geek, Chris Hoffman reminds us that Google Docs, aside from being completely free and available on the web, also has resume templates that look great and are easy to fill in. Hit the link below for a full walkthrough, but the gist is simple. Open up the Google Docs Template Gallery and search for "resume." You'll see all of the available resume templates, and you can preview them to find the one that works best for you. Click "Use this Template" to open it up in a fresh document, and start replacing the placeholder text with your own work experience, name, accomplishments, and so on. When you're finished, you can download your resume (File > Download, inside of Google Docs) in the format you prefer, or just let it autosave until you need to send it to someone.

That's the beauty of using Google Docs: You can get started from any computer, pick up your work on another, always have a copy of your resume to send someone without worrying about carrying the file around with you or keeping it in a cloud storage account, and update it anytime you have to. Best of all, Google Docs can export documents in multiple formats—even the inevitable .DOC file that you'll be asked to submit to the HR rep or hiring manager.

How to Make a Resume for Free Without Using Microsoft Office | How-To Geek