17 Tweets That Solidify Josh Groban's Exceptional Existence

    If you're not already following multi-platinum singer, songwriter, and occasional actor Josh Groban on Twitter, you're doing it wrong.

    1. He makes Jane Austen puns. Marry me, Joshua Winslow Groban.

    2. He celebrates other artists' work.

    3. He's a supporter of important things like academics and sloths.

    4. He wants to bless the world with beautiful, soul-crushing, sobs-for-days music.

    5. He earned the title of "Twitter's Greatest Philosopher."

    6. He hates Blurred Lines as much as you do.

    7. He knows #thestruggle of Kumon students everywhere.

    8. He knows how to give the people what they really, really want.

    9. He's hip to internet culture.

    10. He screenshots unusual things.

    11. He's full of handy life lessons.

    12. His banter game is spectacular.

    13. He refers to himself as "Yankee meat."

    14. He's four years older than his younger brother but they have the same birthday.

    15. He's a #FalPal.

    16. He's charitable and probably cries to that sad Sarah McLachlan song too.

    17. He's respectful of his elders.