Monday, January 27, 2014

Silo Based Online Marketing Research

via Tumblr Silo based online marketing research. Visit for more information and free white papers. Hi. My name is Steve Sleeper and I’m an independent rep for Social Media Science and their ground breaking silo based online marketing research. Silo based research is based on a white paper written by Bruce Clay on siloing. You can download that white paper from my landing page at But here are some of the highlights. Search engines award websites that are a best fit for user query relevancy. Many times, websites are an disjointed array of unrelated information with no clear central theme. So they don’t show up in the search engines. Siloing clarifies subject relevance and lays the groundwork for high rankings. Content is king, but not all content is created equal. It needs to be written with specific qualities in mind to fulfill what the search engines want. Our silo based research begins where conventional market research leaves off. Through a series of proprietary tools and processes, we extract valuable data from online search and social media in order to provide a significant level of knowledge surrounding customers, competitors, positioning strategy, and the marketplace. Social Media Science’s marketing research is comprehensive in that it finds the right keywords, but it also tells you what kind of structure your website needs and the dynamic content needed. It’s an online blueprint. Google rewards websites that are dynamic…not static. We’ve found the best dynamic content are keyword optimized responses to frequently asked questions — questions customers ask — and should ask questions. Questions customers should be asking if they only knew. Research has shown consumers are more engaged with videos so we suggest starting there and then let blogs and website content flow from transcriptions of the video. It gets the most search engine juice and is a huge authority builder. So with that in mind, we’ll write and produce the videos for you if you like for a nominal cost (we have an Emmy award winning service) and we syndicate then to the top sharing sites — thereby creating quality banklinks….the type Google likes. BTW- we created our own APIs so the videos in fact syndicate as intended. I know this graphic is a bit hard to read but it’s a representation of a report and we report on a ton — and then we consult with you on how to implement. I’m 40,000 feet high with this presentation but if you’d like to learn more….let me know. I’ll get you connected with my guy at social media science. We can take an hour and let you look under the hood. I know “game changer” is an overused term — but this really is game changing. So next step is click on the link below and go to my landing page. You can download the free eBook written by Tom Rozof — CEO of Social Media Science. My contact info is there. You can also look at my calendar and schedule a phone appointment. As I mentioned before — you can download the Bruce Clay whitepaper on siloing — and learn more about Social Media Science and Silo based online marketing research. Share this video: Filed under: Steve L. Sleeper via WordPress via Blogger

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