Yeah that’s where I am mostly lately as well. Easier for me though sad that Sally’s not in on it. :(

Yeah I see aeternamente more there too these days. And rosieramblings and thedovenest and genderific and thelorelaisquared and yeah basically most people. 

Hey anonsally, have you considered getting twitter so you can talk to us? Please? 


  1. clavisa reblogged this from lies and added:
    Fair enough! I find twitter is much better for discussion threads though than tumblr. And yeah, it’s easier to use on my...
  2. leslielikesthings reblogged this from anonsally and added:
    I wouldn’t say that I’m migrating to twitter completely, but since I’ve pulled back from the constant tumblr immersion...
  3. lies reblogged this from anonsally and added:
    I keep making tweets that mention giraffes in the hope it will conjure up anonsally via some sort of social media...
  4. anonsally reblogged this from clavisa and added:
    I’ve definitely missed leslielikesthings here on Tumblr, and I’m sad if you’re all migrating over there… However, there...
  5. thedovenest reblogged this from clavisa and added:
    Adding some peer pressure for anonsally to join us on the tweeter