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22 Lord Voldemort Dance Moves You Need In Your Life

Voldemort is definitely the Lord of the Dance.

1. Disco with the Death Eaters

2. A Wizard's Ballet

3. The Dark Magic Night

4. The Death Eater Hand Flip

5. The Tom Riddle Crump

6. The Unholy Trinity

7. The "It's Tom Riddle, bitch"

8. The Work It Out Wizards Pump

9. Lord Look At That Body Thrust

10. The Riddle Hips Don't Lie move

11. Run The Wizarding World Shake

12. The Toxic Tom

13. The Lord of the Spotlight Jitter

14. The Death Eaters Groove

15. The Me Against the Potter Swerve

16. The Slytherin 'Round the Mic dance

17. The Dark Lord Wiggle

18. The Tom Riddle Bust

19. The Dark Lord Hands in the Air

20. The Rolling Riddle

21. The Harry and Ron Bridge

22. The Slytherin Pump