The Marauders: Summer Daze — coming soon from Warner Brothers

How did the brilliant Lily Evans fall for that prat James Potter? She did so slowly, and then all at once the summer before their seventh year at Hogwarts. This is a story about second chances, changed opinions, humility, and passion. This is the story of Lily and James.


Ugh, I love this so effing much I can’t even, and my fingers have been itching to canonize this all day except except except it has occurred to me that these actors clearly aren’t British and so that totally doesn’t canonically work, does it? Ughhh nooo but I want this to be real so bad and here is my chance to make it so.

Like… can I canonize this in the mind of Yulin Kuang, as the creator of the series, and not canonize it for the series fan-canon so as not to get a dozen responses that are all ‘That would never happen, they’re not British enough!’? Because I am happy to side step that technicality in my personal headcanon, but I don’t want to force that oversight of mine into the collective fan-canon. Because the avid Potter fan in me is resisting this suspension of disbelief. So tricky. Well you have sent me into a spiral of internal debate and self-doubt, so congrats belovedcreation.


They’re actors. Sufficiently awesome actors get cast to play people of other nationalities all the time. What’s the point of having godlike canonizing power if you’re not going to create a few giraffes?

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