Firmware Friday: Blackmagic URSA gets high-res viewfinder support and more
posted Friday, August 21, 2015 at 3:45 PM EDT

Our Firmware Friday roundup this week is a brief one, as there's only one new camera firmware release we're aware of since our last roundup. The device receiving the update is the Blackmagic URSA, an impressive 4K-capable Super 35-format camera with a pricetag to match. (It lists for around $5,000 in the US market.)
The update, available as part of Blackmagic Camera Setup 2.6, makes two main changes to the URSA camera. One is support for the new Blackmagic URSA Viewfinder, a US$1,500 accessory that offers Full HD resolution and was originally slated to ship last month. The other is an option to display timecode input if you tap on the timecode display. In addition to these changes, Blackmagic says that the update includes "performance enhancements and improvements", but doesn't specify what these might entail.
You can get the Blackmagic Camera Setup 2.6 update from the company's website, if you want to bring your URSA up to the latest firmware version. (Look in the Latest Downloads section for the links to download on Windows or Mac OS X platforms.)
(Camera parts image courtesy of Kelly Hofer / Flickr; used under a Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0 license. Image has been modified from the original.)