Must Reads: Hope in Kiev, Deadly Fraternities and More

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Must Reads: Hope in Kiev, Deadly Fraternities and More
Anti-government protesters guard the perimeter of Independence Square, known as Maidan, on Feb. 19, 2014 in Kiev, Ukraine. Credit: BRENDAN HOFFMAN/Getty Images

During the week, we consume words in snackable, tweetable bites. But on the weekends, we have the time to take a dive into the murkier, lengthier depths of the Internet and expand our attention spans beyond 140 characters. We can brew a cup of coffee and lie back with our iPads, laptops, smartphones and Kindles.

Since you're bound to miss a few things during the daily grind, we present to you, in our weekly installation of Mashable Must Reads, a curated list of can't-miss stories from around the web to read and reflect on. (You can find last week's must reads here.)

Amid Kiev Violence, 2 Men Design a Kids' Book About Forgiveness | Mashable

Two app developers in Kiev are one kilometer away from Independence Square, the epicenter of the massive protests that have enveloped the capital of Ukraine. But despite this close proximity, their new interactive kids' storybook couldn't be further away from the violence: It teaches forgiveness and joy. "We just want this revolution to end. And when it does, for people to have clear hearts and be able to move on."

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Mikhail Stepanski and Ruslan Kosarevych hold screenshots of their story, 'Son of the Sun,' outside of Independence Square (or Maidan) in Kiev, Ukraine. Credit: Kidappers

The Dark Power of Fraternities | The Atlantic

A yearlong investigation of Greek houses reveals their endemic, lurid and sometimes tragic problems -- and a sophisticated system for shifting the blame. Caitlin Flanagan explores the aspects of frat life that most houses try to sweep under their carpets. Come for the amazing lede, stay for the remaining 15,000 words or so. It's well worth your time.

Broken Stride | SB Nation

When Ashley Poissant was killed by an alleged drunk driver, she became the latest victim of the rapidly growing risk that runners face. This poignant read delves into the battle for the road and the dangers it poses for runners: "Most Americans believe streets are for cars. Period."

Is Verizon Really Slowing Down Netflix? | Mashable

Netflix claims that its average prime time speeds over Verizon's FiOS service dropped 14% last month. Meanwhile, Verizon has denied the claims, leading to a he said/she said standoff. What's really going on? Here's what we know so far, starring two little but key words: net neutrality.

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Credit: Mashable composite; Images via iStockphoto

What I Saw When I Crashed a Wall Street Secret Society | New York

In an excerpt from Kevin Roose's new book Young Money, the author sneaks into a private event for the richest of the rich -- a secret fraternity for the 0.0001% called Kappa Beta Phi -- and you'll never believe what happens next. (It involves men in purple velvet moccasins telling sexist Hillary Clinton jokes and singing songs about the financial crisis.) OK, maybe you will believe it.

Sexual Assault at God's Harvard | The New Republic

Patrick Henry College was supposed to be a safe place, given its evangelical roots. But for many young women, it's far from it. Kiera Feldman's devastating account of the patriarchy and rape culture at a small Virginia school -- a school with just 320 current students and 590 graduates, meaning students are likely to know the faces of their assailants. Hanna Rosin in Slate points out that is specifically Patrick Henry College's evangelical background that makes it such an unsafe place.

Can Dating an Avatar Improve Real-Life Relationships? | Mashable

The Japanese dating game LovePlus requires players to woo a female avatar, who speaks from a set of pre-recorded phrases and is unlikely to say "no." Some see dating simulation games like LovePlus as tools that, when used responsibly, can provide valuable insights into the minefield that is love and dating.

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A figurine depicting Nene Anegasaki, one of three girls that players can choose to date in LovePlus, a game for Nintendo DS. Credit: Charlie

Don't have time to read them all now? In our Readlist below, export this week's must reads to your tablet to save for a time you have no distractions. Simply click the "read later" button alongside each story or or click "export" to send the entire list of articles to your preferred device.

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