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New look but younger ?by simple ways

Why look older than his years, there are ways to help take control of aging? This is ... Aging is considered something we can not control , like a snowball rolling downhill fast moving , always moving at a time , gathering more snow and increase in size . Aging continues, and can also be hectic , like a snowball, but it should not be . We can significantly slow aging and reverse it to some extent by the process of reduction of inflammation. The truth is that we have control over the aging process and is as simple as adding a few routines in their daily lives for an average of four weeks to create a habit . Habits are the key! Inflammation is an important part of the aging process and is not a term that has been coined to describe it : Inflammaging . But guess what ? The inflammation can be reduced, reversed and prevented by knowing exactly what choices necessary lifestyle to do. Here are three essential tips to help not only the younger age, but will reduce and prevent inflammation , leading to optimal health. ~ A Tip: Avoid sugar Sugar is proinflammatory # 1 feed and accelerates aging . Sugar causes ugly up sugar in the blood, then a pic - only this action is inflammation. Sugar also causes " glycation , which is essentially the caramelization of body tissues . When sugars and protein bio- chemical process occurs causing glycation combine . Consider these potato crisp
and golden on the stove .. this same process occurs when we eat sugar. glycation causes rapid aging throughout the body , including wrinkles and sagging skin , which damages DNA. ~ Two Tip - Hydrate Most people do not realize they are walking slightly dehydrated. When you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated 1-2%. They suffer needlessly with wrinkled skin , joint pain , fatigue, weight gain , hunger, headaches and more , because their cells lack of hydration. Our body is 70 % water , it is obvious that when a cell is not hydrated , this web will slow optimal function . So when we are not well hydrated , we feel lethargic - cell function has slowed. The same is true for the weight gain. When our cells slow down, so that our metabolism does not result in excess weight . Water reduces inflammation and increased metabolism . ~ Tip Three - Reducing Stress You've heard that " size does not matter ," No not at all it is a very small and critical part of his health, longevity and youth : . Molecular genetics unit protection called telomeres . Telomeres are the caps on the ends of our chromosomes that protect our DNA. Every time our cells divide , telomeres shorten and leaves us more vulnerable to faster aging. You may think that similar to the plastic caps on the ends of shoelaces telomeres. Once the protective plastic capsule begins to decline , the lace starts to fray . A similar process is underway with our telomeres and that is what makes us vulnerable to DNA damage . Chronic stress is like fuel to an already burning fire . Our telomeres shorten much faster with stress and sugar ( see tip number one) . This is why people suffering from continuous stress tend to experience more rapid aging and poor health . The key is to grow their longer telomeres or at least keep the length as long as possible. Healthy lifestyle to make this as stress reduction. Choose to reduce stress in your life to help maintain or regain the youthful body and mind. Exercise is the number one stress reduction technique, with all other anti- aging benefits . Yoga, Tai Chi , meditation, soothing thoughts and diaphragmatic breathing - taking deep breaths belly ( breathing from the diaphragm rather than shallow breathing ), not only the stress response will be stopped in its tracks , but it is a means complete and healthy intake of oxygen. Do not go another day looking older than his age. With just these three tips greatly reduce the visible signs of aging while delaying the aging process and the creation of optimal health.
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