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who invented toilet paper

who invented toilet paper

If you're like most people , you take toilet paper for granted. After doing your business, is causally kicked a piece of paper from the roll. Then, a couple of wipes later , you're ready to go. Of course, if your mom or dad is nearby , you will undoubtedly hear those words that kids love so much : " Do not forget to wash your hands and pull the chain "who invented toilet paper

Like most schools do not understand the history of toilet paper in their curriculum , that depends on me to enlighten you . First, we start with a definition. According to Wikipedia, the toilet paper is a " mild to maintain personal hygiene after human defecation or urination paper . " Guess people never pushed to Wikipedia who invented toilet paper toilet paper nostrils to stop a nosebleed , or used to crush small spiders .

The toilet paper who invented toilet paper was a strange story . Remember that the Romans invented plumbing for thousands of years only to be forgotten for centuries? Well, it seems that something similar happened with the toilet paper.

On the basis of extensive research (I checked Wikipedia again ), the first recorded use of toilet paper was in China around 851 AD . After that, not much has been written on the subject until the nth century rolled around . During the Ming (1368-1644) dynasty special sheets of toilet paper were formed for the imperial court who invented toilet paper . Were made in the soft tissue that was cut into squares of two to three meters in size . Some of toilet paper is also fragrant.

The rest of the world was not so lucky as the king of China. Here is a partial ( or should I say painful? ) List of what was used before toilet paper people seized :who invented toilet paper

• Romans in the public baths using salt water sponge on a stick.

• English nobility used the pages of the book.

• ordinary people in the Middle Ages used straw, hay and grass.

• The sailors have used the term of a worn-out old anchor cable .

• Americans use cobs , newspapers who invented toilet paper , leaves, and the pages of the Sears Roebuck catalog .

• Inuit used snow and moss. ( Inuit is the polite word for the Eskimos . )

• French royalty used lace.

• Rich in many countries use the wool scented.
who invented toilet paper
The invention of the modern toilet paper was not produced until 1857 , when Joseph Gayety sold its role in bundles flat sheets medicated . Of course , most people have seen no reason to pay for the product when they had Mr. Gayety free alternatives that put the whole house.who invented toilet paper It was not until the company came out with Scott toilet paper rolls in 1890, the public has seen the real value of this invention. Thank God for Mr. Scott !who invented toilet paper

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