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Feline acne

Feline acne

Feline acne is a common problem in cats, but often goes unnoticed. You can see your cat rubbing his chin against furniture or other places more than usual. You may notice small black spots on the lips or chin (especially in a cat with a light colored face) your cat, or you may have no idea until you see a drainage of the abscess Feline acne
   drainage of the jaw. Often, chin agglomerate with "grain".

Feline acne typically involves bacterial infection. Other conditions that can cause similar conditions listed include allergies, skin mites, ringworm, fungal infection or autoimmune diseases such as eosin granule complex ("rodent ulcers"). If you notice something to do in the chin area, a trip to the vet's office is the best option to ensure that the problem is not more serious than a few grains!

A cause / contribute to the common problem is the use of plastic food containers. Plastics are porous and bacteria can remain in microscopic cracks. Bacteria remain there, safe and inaccessible - even a dishwasher. When kitty gets it in croquettes, contact between the chin and the bowl allows these bacteria infect the skin of the cat.Feline acne
    Brushed aluminum and Feline acne
  stainless steel can also harbor bacteria. Often, simply go to glass or ceramic (enamel smooth unleaded) bowls solves the problem. Feeding on a flat plate is to avoid the problem. Of course, all dishes and bowls should be washed daily with warm soapy water or in the dishwasher! (Or, if you are in the super-convenience, you can use paper plates.)Feline acne

Dry food for cats with its oil coating and bacteria from the surface, appears to be much larger in the department of acne problems canned foods. If you are feeding dry food, it is best to limit food intake timed 30 to 60 minute Feline acne
 . You can wash the cat's chin after meals to minimize the problem. (This is just one reason why I recommend feeding dry cat food!)

Acne treatment depends on the severity feline. So sweet - a bolt of dark skin some black spots or stains -Feline acne
 wash the area daily with an antiseptic soap diluted as chore (no teeth marks as Icicles or Novas) or iodine (Beta dine) to what emerges is fine. Both products are available in grocery stores, and certainly in pharmacies. Feline acne
   Since the cat can not take advantage of these washes, you may not have the opportunity to clarify, so make sure the soap is too thin! Beta dine in particular can be very irritating to the skin if soap and water is too hard. Color of weak tea is good for Beta dine, pink or pale blue with chore soap. DO NOT use soap "antibacterial" but Feline acne
   leaves too much residue. Detergent soap is too strong and can damage the skin.

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