US News

FDA to spread Bloomberg’s trans-fat ban nationwide

WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug Administration is expected to issue restrictions this month to snuff out the artery-clogging fats that ex-Mayor Mike Bloomberg banned in New York City eateries nearly a decade ago, sources say.

It was Bloomberg who led the charge to ban trans-fats, which have been outlawed in NYC restaurants since 2006.

Seven years later, the Obama administration has seen the wisdom in that course, declaring that partially hydrogenated oils — a big source of trans-fats — are not generally safe.

The FDA is expected to officially phase out the fats throughout the food industry, sources say, suggesting a decision could come by June 15.

“It’s about time,” cheered Dr. Thomas Farley, Bloomberg’s health commissioner and author of the forthcoming book “Saving Gotham,” on the city’s food-policing policies.

“Trans-fat is an artificial chemical,” he said. “It never should have gotten into our food supply in the first place. It’s toxic over the long term and it’s easy to get rid of.”

Unlike his attempt to limit sugary drinks, Bloomberg was successful in sounding the first municipal alarm on trans-fat and banned it from restaurant cooking.

Bloomberg’s fat ban — among the many health crusades he undertook during his three terms as mayor — was so controversial at the time, the National Restaurant Association called it “a misguided attempt at social engineering by a group of physicians who don’t understand the restaurant industry.”

But after the Big Apple ban, food companies anticipated more restrictions and began to voluntarily swap out partially hydrogenated oils.

A 2012 study, funded in part by New York City, found trans-fat consumption had declined by a “substantial” amount in fast food chains once the regulation went into effect.

“Mayor Bloomberg was a leader in this public health battle and the measure in New York really showed that this could be done,” said Jim O’Hara, director of health promotion policy at the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

Still, trans-fats are found in supermarket foods such as microwave popcorn, frosting, pie crusts and margarine.

“This is going to be a huge win for the public health,” O’Hara said.

While many food products now boast “trans-fat free” on labels, others still linger.

The center keeps a “Trans-Fat Wall of Shame.” Among the worst offenders posted on the center’s Pinterest page: Popeye’s onion rings, Jolly Time “Jalapeno Butter” popcorn and Pepperidge Farm Key Lime 3-Layer Cake.