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Common Questions Asked About Hypnotherapy

In Health, Healthcare, Medicine on December 10, 2012 at 8:00 am

What is hypnotherapy? Acupressure Reflexology Healing Grip magic mat beyond healing tea hypnotherapy (17)

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis by a trained hypnotherapist to help a person to make positive changes in their life.  The use of hypnosis allows the hypnotherapist to bypass the critical areas of the conscious mind and access the subconscious mind directly. All our learned behaviors and habits, either good or bad, reside in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis speeds up the process of positive change since the hypnotherapist is working directly with the subconscious mind.  Old unwanted negative associations and patterns of behavior can easily be removed and replaced with positive beneficial ones.

What is the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind in which the subconscious mind opens up, becoming very suggestible to new ideas.  Hypnotherapy is the process of using hypnosis by the trained hypnotherapist to help a person make positive, desired life style changes.

What are the areas in which hypnotherapy is helpful? 

Hypnotherapy can help you to make changes in practically any area of your life.  Any bad habits or unwanted behaviors can easily be changed into more positive ones.  Fears and phobias can be eliminated.  You can easily stop smoking, lose unwanted weight, improve your study habits or become more successful.  It is entirely up to you what issue you want to work on.  You can always contact Kevin to discuss your particular issue and find out if hypnotherapy will help you.

How do I know that I can be hypnotized?

If you are intelligent, able to focus and concentrate and want to be hypnotized, then you can be.  It’s up to you.

How well does hypnotherapy work? _dbs-depression-side300

A comparison study:

Psychoanalysis:  38% recovery after 600 sessions

Behavior Therapy:  72% recovery after 22 sessions

Hypnotherapy:  93% recovery after 6 sessions

-American Health Magazine

Does hypnotherapy work for everybody? 

This depends entirely upon you.  If you are serious and really want to work on the issue and improve your life, then hypnotherapy will work wonders.  If you really don’t want to give up that bad habit or change, and just are not being entirely honest with yourself, then hypnotherapy will not be as effective for you.  You will just end up sabotaging yourself and remain where you are at.  The choice is yours – change and improve your life for the better or don’t.  It’s up to you!

Why use hypnosis when I have my “will power”? 

“Will power” or desire alone is often not enough or sufficient to change a long standing or deeply ingrained habit or behavior.  All habits, learned behaviors, patterns and attitudes reside within the domain of your subconscious mind. “Will power,” along with logic and reasoning resides within your conscious mind. Your conscious mind consists of only about 20% of your total mind power.  The remaining 80% of your mind power is your subconscious mind.  Which of the two is stronger – the 20% conscious mind or the 80% subconscious mind?  If the negative behavior or bad habit is deeply rooted in your subconscious mind or you have had it for many years, then your “will power” alone won’t be strong enough to change or eliminate it.  “Will power” or sheer determination can help you to accomplish your goal, but in some cases,  your “will power”  itself can be detrimental.  Your conscious mind can sabotage your “will power” so you won’t be able to change.  There are many reasons (both conscious and subconscious) as to why we behave the way we do.  Most of us become “comfortable” in our position in life.  Any changes made can be scary – so sometimes the conscious mind will sabotage you – to keep you where you are so you remain in your current comfort zone.  Hypnosis, when used by a trained hypnotherapist, can speak directly to the subconscious mind where all the habits, learned behaviors and attitudes reside, thus bypassing the conscious mind entirely.  This is a very effective, quick, and easy path to success.

Isn’t traditional “talk therapy” just as effective?

This depends upon the nature of the issue you are working on.  If the issue is a behavior or habit you want to change, you will need to access the subconscious mind to affect the necessary changes.  All learned behaviors, habits, attitudes and beliefs reside in the subconscious mind.  “Talk therapy” accesses your conscious mind, not your subconscious mind.  You can make changes using “talk therapy”, but it takes a lot longer to do than using hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy accesses the subconscious mind directly.

Does hypnotherapy replace more traditional practices, like seeing a doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist?

No.  Hypnotherapy is used for behavior modification and life style improvements – like stopping biting one’s fingernails, losing weight or stopping smoking.  It may be an adjunct to traditional medical or psychological treatments, but it is not meant to be a replacement.  If you think that hypnotherapy might help you, contact Kevin to see if you will benefit.

What if I am on medication?  Can I still use hypnosis and hypnotherapy?

Absolutely.  Hypnotherapy and hypnosis can help many areas, including pain control, insomnia, losing weight and stopping smoking, to name a few.  Depending on the nature of the problem and the reasons why you are taking the medication, you may be able to reduce your need for medication.  You can contact Kevin to discuss this and find out if you will benefit by hypnosis.

Why don’t more people use hypnosis or get hypnotherapy sessions?

Up until recently, most of the general public has been in the dark concerning hypnosis and the benefits of hypnotherapy.  There are a lot of misconceptions in circulation about hypnosis – what it is or isn’t.  Many people just are not aware that hypnotherapy is available to help them overcome their issues.  The majority of people who learn about the benefits of hypnotherapy are eager to try it.  Why continue to suffer from an issue when you can change it? When you have a cavity, you go to the dentist.  It’s a matter of educating people about hypnotherapy and its benefits.

I practice meditation and do yoga.  Is this the same thing?   meditate

No.  Yoga and meditation are a form of hypnosis since you are focusing your mind and energies.  People use these to be able to focus, concentrate better and relax.  Hypnotherapy, on the other hand, is goal-orientated.  The state of hypnosis is induced by the hypnotherapist to work on a specific issue to make a particular change in your life.  You are taken into the hypnotic state, and then taken completely out of hypnosis.  Yoga and meditation also take you into the hypnotic state, but the purpose of each discipline is different.


Can’t I do this myself?  Why do I need to see a hypnotherapist or have sessions?

No.  You are in your current state because you have created it for yourself.  Most of us would fix ourselves if we knew how.  If your car or computer is broken, do most people try to fix it themselves if they have no working knowledge about cars or computers?  You would only make things worse if you tried to take it apart.  You need to go to someone who knows what they are doing to get the problem fixed.  Most of us may be aware we have an issue in our lives we want to change, but we aren’t born with the knowledge how to fix it.  You need to see a “specialist” – a trained hypnotherapist who can help you overcome your specific issue.

How many sessions will it take and how much will it cost?

This depends entirely upon the nature of the issue, how long you have had it and how serious you are in working on it.  The number of sessions it will take can not be determined until the initial consultation and you are put into hypnosis.  It can vary anywhere from 1 session in average to 12 sessions to change that particular issue.  Sometimes people are so happy with the results they have achieved, that they continue with hypnotherapy and work on other issues.  Cost will be determined based on the nature of the issue and sessions required.

How soon will I see the results?

Depending on the issue you are working on and how deeply rooted it is, the results may be immediate after the first session or it may take several sessions for you to start to see the results you desire.

What if I can’t take time off work to come in for sessions?  I am very busy.

Are you too busy to work on yourself?  Do you value yourself so little?  If you are unable to come in for private hypnotherapy sessions, then Kevin is available for hypnotherapy sessions via the telephone.  You also can take advantage of the Total Power Programming Hypnosis CDs you can listen to at home.  It’s all up to you!

My friends and co-workers say hypnotherapy is bad for you and a waste of time and money, beside it “doesn’t work.”  Is this true?

Your friends and co-workers may mean well, but they are wrong!  Skeptics are only expert in their limited frame of knowledge.  Sometimes others subconsciously want to hold you back and keep you where you are in life.  If you move forward and become successful, it may upset the current status quo – so they sabotage your efforts to change. Hypnotherapy works!  What does it matter if they don’t believe in hypnosis?  It’s you and your life that is important!

Who should not use hypnosis?

Those with any mental illness, injury or disease should not use hypnosis, neither should hose with special needs, who require personal attention. Hypnotherapy is not suitable if you have or have ever suffered from personality disorders, psychosis, clinical depression or epilepsy. If in any doubt, please consult your doctor before using any of these products. 


What is it like to be hypnotized?

In experiencing altered states it should be acknowledged that trance (altered state of consciousness) is slightly different for everyone. Most find it extremely pleasant, enjoyable and relaxing, saying they’ve never felt so agreeably relaxed and comfortable before. The altered state of consciousness is an individual and personal experience. Some may feel no difference at all, while others may feel very heavy and deeply relaxed, while still others may feel like they were floating – it is best not to have any preconceived ideas and just experience the sessions in your own unique way.

Who can be hypnotized?

Just about everyone if they choose.

Is hypnotherapy safe?

Yes. It is a safe, natural part of human experience. Always protected by our subconscious, trance (altered state of consciousness) is part of everyday life. We are already proficient in its use, we simply don’t recognise it.  Note: Hypnotherapy is not stage hypnosis.  Important: Because these CDs guide you into a deeply relaxed state, it is very important that you DO NOT listen to them while driving a car or operating machinery; if you listen as a passenger in a car, use a personal CD player with headphones.

Can I be forced into trance?

No. It is a state of mind that needs your co-operation. No one goes against their own unique code of behavior in hypnotherapy

Are there any side effects?

No. After Hypnosis you will feel refreshed, restored and absolutely ready to face any challenges that life may throw at you. There are also many extra advantages to Hypnosis –   many examples of people receiving Hypnotherapy for one particular issue, then finding that not only has that been solved but other health problems have disappeared too –  this includes Vertigo, Tinnitus, High Blood Pressure and IBS.

How long does it take? 

Sessions last for approximately one hour and results can often be seen after just one session. Unlike counselling and many other therapies, problems are usually resolved very quickly with Hypnotherapy. The average number of sessions required is two or three.
What is the difference between hypnosis, hypnotherapy, guided imagery, meditation, visualization, and relaxation techniques?

Hypnosis is the method used to put yourself (or with the help of a therapist) into a relaxed state of consciousness that is common to everyone everyday. Hypnosis may be used just to be put into the state of relaxation only, or to feel pleasant, or as a therapy to help change behavior, etc.  Hypnosis as used by professionals is not to be confused with stage hypnosis, which is entirely different from this discussion and is employed as entertainment rather than therapeutic.  Generally a person who administers hypnosis is a hypnotist, though this term sometimes has bad connotations due to stage and theatrical hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis as a therapy to help individuals improve their lives whether it be just general relaxation or stress reduction, or for other medical or emotional concerns, such as helping individuals reduce pain, cope with trauma, endure medical procedures when medication is contraindicated, reduce symptoms of functional disorders or just general well-being. Hypnotherapy is NOT however, a substitute for professional medical care, but rather a complement to it.

A person who provides hypnotherapy is a hypnotherapist, and usually has additional professional training, certifications and qualifications in mind sciences and therapy as well as counseling skills in addition to hypnotherapy. The hypnotherapist usually provides in-depth consultation and inquiry sessions prior to the actual therapy sessions in order to provide the best possible care to the patient. Many work in liaison with physicians who refer their patients for further care.

Solely for ease of use, the terms hypnosis and hypnotherapy are used interchangeably throughout this site.

Guided Imagery or visualization are processes used by hypnotherapists to help their patients resolve issues or improve their health. The subconscious mind responds very well to images and metaphor which can represent facets of the individual’s life or problems. By using these visualizations, the subconscious mind makes a mental picture and solves the problem since it cannot distinguish reality, it will take the images as a means to improve and move forward with suggestions made.

Meditation can be a form similar to self-hypnosis where the mind goes to a slower level for inner calm and insight but the individual is not being guided. No specific behavior or change is targeted.  It can also be a form of prayer.

How is hypnosis and hypnotherapy different from psychology or cognitive behavioral therapy?

Both of these methods approach the conscious mind and you have to actively think about what you are doing and learning. You use your intellect and your rational thinking to help solve problems. But when you use your thinking mind, there is a greater possibility of negative thoughts interfering, excuses, or barriers going up that block progress. These negative experiences or negative thinking then goes back into the subconscious mind and gets further reinforced.  This is not to say that these methods cannot be helpful, because they can, but it requires a lot of work on a conscious level, and is not as “easy” as hypnosis can be. Many individuals use hypnosis after failing with other methods, because they are so frustrated and fed up by their failure.

Does hypnosis / hypnotherapy really work? 

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy have many research studies done showing how effective the method can be for many types of problems and conditions. If it was not successful at all, there would be publications saying so. If you do a general search on any of the medical search sites, such as PubMed, (National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health), Medscape, WebMD, etc. you will see professional medical journals full of entries on the successful use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. For example, for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), hypnotherapy has proven to have one of the highest success rates over other treatment methods, with most studies being done after all other methods have failed with very severe refractory cases.

The purpose of most hypnotherapy is to alter some undesirable aspect of behavior. The aspect of behavior to be modified can be something like overeating, stopping smoking, anxiety or it can range to more serious personality disorders like psychosis. The therapist, in hypnotherapy, puts the subject into a trance like state in which the therapist can deliver suggestion or talk with the subject’s subconscious mind directly. Basically, the trance allows the therapist to bypass the subject’s conscious.

Inducing a trance is a relatively easy process. There are various techniques like having the subject stare at and concentrate on a spot on the wall or waving a stopwatch or pendulum back-and-forth in front of his face as he follows it with his eyes. The therapist, speaking in a monotone, says things like “you are becoming more and more relaxed”, “you can feel the tension draining from your body”, etc. When the subject is in the trance the therapist then gives the suggestions in the same monotonic voice. The suggestions have to be carefully worded to bring about the desired effect. When the therapy session is over, the therapist brings the subject out of the trance by saying something like “you are become more aware of you surroundings” and “open your eyes when you are ready to”. The subject will then “wake up”. Hypnotherapy directed by a therapist is referred to hetero-suggestion.

If the intention of the hypnotherapy is to modify behavior like overeating or stopping smoking, usually more than one session is required. The effects are not immediate but the behavior should begin to change gradually in days or weeks. Hypnotherapy can make it easier for the subject to lose weight or to quit smoking. Also, hypnotherapy can be beneficial in the treatment of some psychoses. In the trance like state the therapist can talk with the subject and bring up repressed events that are causing problems in the subject’s life. Some things too painful to say in a conscious state may be able to be revealed in hypnotic state. These painful past events may be causing symptoms like dreams or nightmares, phobias, etc. A psychotherapist, having knowledge of these events, is in a better position to help the subject recover.

There are many benefits of hypnotherapy for people who want to modify behavior. It is easy and relatively inexpensive form of therapy, even though it may require several session.

Health Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy offers various health and fitness benefits. It is the kind of therapy that allows you to enter a state of profound comfort, often called hypnosis or trance. This technique has been employed to aid in smooth and painless childbirth, surgery and psychotherapy. In addition, hypnotherapy has also been proven helpful for successful weight management.


How Can Hypnotherapy Help Me?

Hypnotherapy is effective in working with the following goals:no-stress1

  • Overcome phobias
  • Become a confident public speaker
  • Alleviate stress and anxiety
  • Overcome bad habits
  • Become a non-smoker
  • Change your eating habits, without “will power”
  • Improve athletic performance
  • Remove blocks to intimacy
  • Increase motivation, improve sales
  • Improve memory, study habits and test-taking ability
  • Improve self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • feel good about yourself

Uses for Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy – Healthy Audio

Hypnosis is often thought to be therapy that only affects the mind, but as mind and body are inseparably joined, hypnosis can also help physical ailments. The popular assumption that hypnosis is only used for weight reduction and stopping smoking is very much mistaken; there are many more possibilities too numerous to mention but some are mentioned below:

The following conditions can be treated using hypnotherapy      TWOH

Anger Management Migraine

Self Hypnosis


Nail Biting

Sleep Problems (Insomnia)

Bed Wetting


Smoking Cessation

Sport Enhancement


Pain Control


Confidence Building

Panic Attacks



Performance Anxiety

Teeth Grinding


Phobia Removal



Post-Operation Confidence


Ego Strengthening

Pre-Birth Relaxation

Travel Nerves

Exam Nerves

Pre-Operation Nerves

Victim Recovery

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (I.B.S.)


Weight Reduction

Life Change Development

Restless Legs

Male Sexual Problems

Female Sexual Problems

Self Confidence

 There are MANY current uses for hypnotherapy and these uses cover a very wide variety of problems and disorders.    Some hypnotherapists require a written referral, particularly if the condition has a formal medical diagnosis (E.g. Fibromyalgia, Enuresis, Alcoholism) while most indications do NOT require a referral.  In all cases, it is wise to let your primary care physician know what types of treatment you are receiving for any condition.

This list is by no means all-inclusive, but it gives an idea of some of the types of conditions for which help is commonly sought via hypnotherapy.

  1. Reblogged this on trainee hypnotist and commented:
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